1. When I'm With You

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"I wanna befriend him!"

The silver-haired male screamed out of his lungs, grabbing the cup of espresso, his eyes sparkling with excitement. The five of them were sitting in the cafeteria of the uni, mindlessly eating and drinking while checking out every person entering the place. The loud talks and waves of laughter from other tables were the last thing to worry about that afternoon, especially packed with their lectures.

"Whatever you say. I would go with the new transfer student, what was his name...?"

The other male said, who had his head resting on the table while lazily doodling something on the notebook. His mint green hair, the rolled cuffs, and the black t-shirt he wore under their white uniform give justice to the unwavering aura of the man. He occasionally raised his head to drink from the coffee cup and stare down at whoever looked their way.

"Who, the one with glasses or the one who dances?"

"Wait, which one of them dances?"

The silver-haired male raised an eyebrow at his friend and replied with a smug.

"Hyung, why are you interested anyway? What about your no-date-no-fling semester oath?"

The silver-haired male was grateful that the elder didn't smack him on his head, only threw a glare his way that could pierce through his skin to bone. Their attention shifted from one to other students who came into the cafeteria while talking about some random topics. The afternoon lectures were boring, to say the least, and they as a team were planning to splurge the rest of the time in uni to wander around the campus or sleep in the library, except for one of their friends.

"Yoongi, let's get some food! Come on!"

The silver-haired male said, this time earning a smack on his hand and he winced dramatically.

"Yah, It's hyung to you, Jung Hoseok."

"Really, you only have a problem when I call you by your name, and when Jungkook calls, you're all soft. Woah, the favoritism, hyung!"

"There's nothing like--"

"Oh, you two! stop fighting. Go get something to eat."

Another man, hair dyed coal black with silver highlights in between, adjusted the wrinkles on his uniform and said in his high-pitched voice, only to make his friends stop arguing and start walking to the food counter. They could still hear the two bicker about what to order even though they were walking away, and the black-haired male shifted his attention to his phone again, shaking his head.

"By the way, Hobi was right about the favoritism"

He mumbled to hear a groan from another guy who had his head low and concentrated hard on the game he was playing. The man opposite the two who was reading a book giggled in satisfaction, his eyes crinkling like the moon under the thick glass he was wearing.

"I agree with you, Jimin-ah"

They both extended their hands to a high-five, making it difficult for the other to survive the game as he slammed his phone on the table with an irritated groan and a pout on his lips. Oh, he lost his last life and the game was over. But the people staring at them don't need to know that.

Before he could open his mouth to utter pure curses, they heard another scream from the front. In no time, the three thought about their friends who went to take food, and of course, it wouldn't really be a surprise if it was Yoongi and Hoseok who were causing the chaos.

Whoever it was, they made the whole cafeteria stop eating and take out their phone to capture whatever was happening, even if they didn't know the context. Sh!t like this happens every day, and people love the drama. I mean, who doesn't?

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