2. Louder Than Bombs

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"Okay, class. Don't forget the assignments due on Wednesday. Also, whoever will not finish it on time, get ready to face the punishments~" 

Prof. Choi announced in her low-pitched voice, and the students groaned in response. The hallway was already getting loud since the bell rang and students walked out of their classrooms.

Prof. Choi collected the papers from the class president and waved her hands before going out of the class only for the students to turn around to each other, talk and play games, taking out their phones and chatting loudly. 

The classroom was indeed chaotic and it made the purple-haired male curse under his breath as he raised his head, blinking twice to register what happening around him.

His hair was a mess because of the peaceful nap in between the lecture. Closing the notebook, he packed his things, took out his phone to reply to a text message, and placed it back in his pocket.  

He glanced at the smart screen on the wall which displayed the assignment due date in bold letters, flipped his messy hair, and walked out of the room slowly. His neck still hurts from the displeasing position he slept on the desk. He stretched his hands and shook his head to get the rest of the sleep out of his system, and bumped into the one he was searching for. 

Taemin, the one who introduced him to his class earlier, smiled at him which he tried to reciprocate decently.

"Hey, newbie!"

The other chimed and extended his hand for a handshake. 

"Oh, Hi..."

"Um, do you need any help?"

Taemin asked, voice polite and eyes sparkling as he smiled. The purple head hesitated first but then chose to say it since he didn't know anyone in the uni, also, his first day wasn't that much of a pleasant experience. 

"Actually, I wanted to know where my dorm is..."

"Oh, that's it. Come with me. I'll help you." 

As someone new to the uni, he was expecting things to go hard on his side. First, because he had purple hair which is against the uni law- to color your hair. Second, he was damn handsome even in that eye-catching color of his hair, wide shoulders, and buff body proportions, and the uniform fit him like a second skin.

Third, he was a culinary major and the said majoring students had certain advantages including loads of free time and loads of free food. 

So, that being said, he was indeed mad at the bean sprout soup that was served in the cafeteria, claiming to be super tasty but it didn't so he accidentally dropped it on someone who apparently made him wipe the seat on the morning lecture.

Long story short, it wasn't even his first day and people started to recognize him as the guy who shushed Jackson- the bully. All he could do was politely smile at those who whispered things after seeing him walking down the crowded corridor.

"So, this is where the uni and the student council officially publish all the notices."

The soft voice of Taemin brought him back to reality as they stopped in front of a wooden noticeboard, so big and papers sticking on it. His eyes scanned every notice while Taemin hummed a song and started looking for a certain notice on his own. 

"Of course, most of the time, the uni gossip chat group is faster than this ancient notice board. Hmm, where is it..."

Taemin's fingers stopped on a particular notice as he took out his phone with his other hand. 

"Oh, here. So, the uni just announced shuffled dorm numbers. Let's see yours on the list. Wait, your name?"

"Kim Seokjin"

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