Attractive guy

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(Skye's POV)

Several week passed, still the same routine, me and Jess in work at 10, 1D half an hour later. God I get butterflies every time I hear that angelic Irish accent and see those sparkly crystal blue orbs for eyes. Jessica and Louis are still ignoring one another and it's getting painful. Next year there' a 50 year anniversary of the company dance prom thing, Jess and I are going to (we have to; we run the company, well Jess does but I help, anyway moving on) no doubt Louis and the boys are too, after all it is half Louis' company.

I sacked Debbie, the poor girl, she cried, begged me to let her stay, I almost fell for it, but then I looked at Jess, saw her pain and I knew I had to be there for her so I refused. Debbie then got violent. She screamed, yelled, threw things at me, Jessica and 1D, I gasped as a folder flew narrowly past Liam's ear. They could sue the company for that. Niall stepped in before another folder could hit me in the head, he yelled at Debbie, told her to 'get out and leave 'me' alone' Wow. I just stood there, mouth agape. I have nothing but admiration for that boy. And maybe a teeny tiny bot of a crush. (oh who am I kidding? he's bloody gorgeous)

After Niall's vicious rant, he was starting to calm down, taking short sharp breaths for air. I couldn't take my eyes off him. His body was perfection, I hardly knew the guy (ok rephrase that, he hardly knew me (I'm a massive Niall girl so there's not a lot I don't know about Niall oops) and already he was sticking up for me. No guy. Correction. No anyone has ever done that for me before (excluding Jess she's practically my mum seeing as my real one didn't care much about me) He noticed me staring and clicked his tongue, winking. Smirking, he used his index finger to close my gaping mouth as he walked past. I hadn't even realized it was still open. Awkward.

"Catching flies, huh?" he chuckled. I blushed. I couldn't help it. He was one attractive guy that I wouldn't be rid of soon I could tell.

Save me - *sequel* to ForgottenWhere stories live. Discover now