Life of Skye

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I can surf. Really well. I'm a trained professional. I was born in Ireland then take to Australia, we were on a private beach one day, and my parents thought it would be a amazing for them if they drowned me. They only wanted Zara for a daughter. She was older, prettier, smarter. I was just the runt in the litter as they say. An irrelevant thing they needed to get rid of. They left my to die, I almost was. Then I was saved. A 10 year old Irish boy who was on holiday with his mum, dad and baby brother. His name was Greg. Greg Horan. He had brown hair and big beautiful blue eyes. His mother. Maura, saw I was alone and took me in, she looked after me for 6 years until my mother came and got me I was just 6 years old. They tried to drown me when I was merely 3 weeks old. I wanted to go back to Ireland, find Greg, thank him and Maura for taking me and looking after me. I was put in foster care after that, I kept swapping from my home with my sister to a foster home, with creepy adults who house I never managaed to fit into. I never fitted in anywhere except at Mauras house, they could tell I was Irish and they loved me. I still have a hint of Irish in my voice, my sisters is more Australian but you can tell she has Irish blood. Then my sister went to Uni and I was stuck alone with my sycotic mother. 

That's all I know about where I come from. This beach I was on now, is the same beach I was nearly murdered on 17 years ago. I came back when I was 10 years old and trained to become a professional surfer, so I wouldn't fear water the same way again. I trained with. A woman called Jane. She taught me everything there was to know about surfing. I learnt quickly. She said I was a born natural, at one with the water, she said she'd never seen anyone learn so fast. I told her about my story. Apart from Zara, she was my only friend. Until I met Jess, but that wasn't until I was 14.

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