Secret surfer and sisters

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"Omg!!! It's One Direction!!!!" No shit Sherlock. Oh sorry. Erhumm. Anyway. There were a few girls that came running up to us. I looked apprehensively at Niall and cuddled into his chest. He held me close and kissed my hair. Cody was still holding my hand, I could tell it annoyed Niall but he knew how much Cody meant to me so he let it lye, knowing it was no more than just friendly. Which it was. Eleanor was with them which made me even more scared but I knew with Zara, Cody and Niall there I had nothing to fear. Eleanor was looking straight at me. Her eyes were piercing into my soul. I looked away, she was scaring me.

"Look at me you little shit" tears were pricking my eyes, I blinked them away, today it was time to be brave. Niall growled

"Repeat that and you won't have a gob" Niall threatened. It looked weird on him threatening people. He was too sweet and he was about as threatening as being a baby penguin but angry Niall was just SO attractive.

"Repeat that and you won't have a princess" Eleanor counteracted.

"Don't you dare threaten her, you little piece of crap" Louis, Zara and Cody were all glaring hard at her.

"And who says?" Eleanor smirked.

"I do, her sister" Zara growled.

"Her best friends" Jess and Cody narrowed their eyes at her.

"Her prince" Niall raised his eyebrows. I blushed because it was true. He was my prince charming and he always would be. Eleanor rolled her eyes and looked to the others. She seemed unphased by the insults we kept giving her.

"Well, is there anything YOU GUYS wanna throw at me?" She yelled.

"No I think they covered it all, we're just the ones that clean up the mess" Liam grinned, looking over at Sophia, whose mouth was wide open along with Perrie's and Dani's.

"Oh thanks Liam, cheers" Niall rolled his eyes.

"You're SO welcome Ni bud" Liam laughed. Eleanor scoffed. I was about to retort something, but soon I couldn't see anything. Something or someone had just hit my head. I fell helplessly into Niall and blacked out.

(Zara's POV)

"What have you done?!!" I screeched. Some crazy girl just thwacked my baby sis around the head with her own surfboard. Disgusting people. I know fans get jealous but this takes it too far.

"Stay the hell away from our surf teacher" I heard 3 small voices coming from behind me. I knew instantly who they were. My 3 surf girl students coming in for a spa/ an extra session.

"Surf teacher?" Jess asked.

"Yes thank you" I smiled cynically. "Sinead, AJ, Margot, hey girls you ready?"

I gave them all a group hug, and they nodded their heads excitedly. I laughed and got up. I turned to Eleanor "You're bloody lucky this board isn't broken" I shouted glaring hard at Eleanor, nostrils flaring. Zara looked at me calmly, telling me with her eyes that I needed to calm down. I breathed out slowly and heavily.

"Whoa, princess, ready? Ready for what? Why are you getting up?" Niall frowned.

"I'm a surf teacher, I co-own this beach, it's a practice session, I'll be fine"

"Yeah, look what happened last time, you almost drowned" Niall almost shouted. I bent down and smacked his arm.

"Shut up you'll scare them" I shout whispered, narrowing my eyes.

"You almost drowned?" AJ whispered. I shook my head.

"No darling, he's just making up stories to scare you"

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