Chapter 6: The help of a demon (Spy AU)

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So, I want to say some things for this AU. I combined actually one more topic here. Spy AU with Jirou as the main agent and with villain Kaminari. A story inspired in a game I played recently, and if you guess it, you will earn a cookie.

Enjoy it!

"Denki Kaminari. Born June 29th. Quirk: Electricity. Come on agent Jirou, you know all this, what do you want?"

The spy threw a file in front of her desk, which made the villain look up in surprise and curiosity.

"What is this?"

The villain picked up the file and began to read the inside of it. He looked confused by its interior, plus it didn't help that the agent who captured him had been someone of few words.

Jirou knew that being a spy wasn't easy. Participating in risky missions and keeping his identity hidden was a double challenge she had to meet at the same time. Ever since she joined the agency, there was no day where she was given a break and work was her daily bread and butter. The agency was demanding, but she understood that because she was part of the Japanese government. They were part of the country's second-tier hero coverage.

Their mission was simple. Capture villains and extract information from them to maintain the internal security of the country. At that time, the agency had its eyes on the League of Villains, knowing that their actions had increased significantly. But these were not the only missions Jirou had. She had an even more personal mission.

Talking to Kaminari was part of one of her toughest missions. But she had faith that this could be the villain she was looking for.

He seemed like a charming boy, but he had a dark personality like every villain.

"Describe your relationship with your parents. Mention any musical tastes you have. Describe your school life. Are you trying to take a survey from me or trying to get information for your work?"

She was trying to slowly approach the villain to find out if she could get some of his crimes out of him and understand his mentality, but it seemed that the villain got angry with the questions she left on the table.

"I know what you want, and I'll be straight with you agent Jirou. Seventeen." Kaminari mentioned with a smile. "Seventeen heroes killed at my own hand. Of course, my colleagues in the League helped me with some others, but those who died at my own hand; it was because of my idea. To follow Stain. And unlike other villains you may have encountered, I'm honest. You can do your research. Read the history of the League. You'll see I don't lie."

He mentioned each of his victims with pinpoint accuracy and a charismatic smile. Something scary in a villain. And once he finished speaking, Jirou finished with a look of disappointment. The spy sighed, as if she was trying to relieve herself from a failed mission.

Kaminari wanted to ask what was wrong, but this only made Jirou angry and threw her papers to the ground. She turned to the wall, leaving Kaminari shocked at her reaction.

"Does it bother you that I was direct? Or..."

It was at that moment that he saw one of the papers that Jirou threw to the ground. There were names marked in red, and he was about to be next. It didn't look like an execution list, knowing the supposed hero code. But he noticed two curious names in the title of the sheet.

He could recognize them all. Some had been assassins captured by heroes, and others had died trying to escape. The surprise was great for him to learn what was going on.

"Ohhh! I see what's going on! You think I'm the assassin of someone you know!"

The mission Jirou had was a personal one. A few years ago she had lost her parents to a murderer who was still on the loose, and it had left a terrible mark on her life. A feeling of revenge was born in her, although she hid it well behind her strong personality. Her desire was at first to be a heroine to save people, but it wasn't going to serve her personal goal, so she decided to be a spy after the government agency had summoned her.

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