Midnight Rain

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Saw Paing Yoroizuka x Reader


Saw Paing Yoroizuka was the best thing to ever happen to you. He was loud, obnoxious, and an idiot, and you loved him.

Saw Paing brought you joy no one else could, he brightened up your life in every aspect. He was the textbook definition of a gentleman. He was what every mom wanted to be brought home to her during special occasions to help her cook when no one else would and the man every father would be pleased to see his little girl with. His smile was so infectious you couldn't stop yourself from being happy around him, he was truly the one for you.

But, the one never stays.

Saw Paing was flashes of a loving future, a secure future. He would provide for you whether hell or high water, making sure you're alright even if he isn't. He was almost bathed in Aphrodite's fountain by the goddess herself. He may have been too loud at some times, but you found it endearing and sickeningly sweet. He was reckless in the best way possible and pushed limits you didn't even know you had.

Saw Paing would have stayed by your side till the day you died, but you didn't want that.

You were gloom, he was life. Saw Paing wanted to live life to his utmost ability and you wanted to let life take you where it needed to take you, whether bad or good.

"I can't marry you." Saw Paing's shoulders slumped and his head hung low. You never wanted it to come to heartbreak, but every good thing had to end. "What?"

"You know I just got my dream job on the other side of the country and-"

"We'll make it work! If you're not in the village it's okay, I'll survive. I just want you to be mine forever. We don't have to have the big fancy wedding now or at all, I just want to be with you." His eyes welled up and he let his other knee rest on the ground. You were stood in your shared hut in the village, almost comically too small for Saw Paing, let alone him and another person.

"I don't want to be married, Saw. I love you more than anything, you know that and I know you would give me the happiest life I could think of, but I need to take this risk. And I need to take this risk without you. I'm sorry."

That was the day you killed his dreams.

You needed to be free and explore the world with no ties attached. You wanted to experience life raw and unfiltered, waking up in an alley with no one to blame but yourself, you wanted stories of misfortunes to tell. You wanted grit and dirt coating your palms as you kissed a boy who didn't even know your last name even though you'd been dating for four months. A boy who's heavy-handed when he's drunk and you had to learn that in the worst way possible. You wanted a life without the picture perfect.

The village held you back from your dreams. The villagers were content, and you were happy for them, but that wasn't your life to live. They would settle down and tell their children stories of you. Stories of the woman who spread her wings and flew away, leaving her happiness behind. She soared above the clouds, but would eventually get caught in a cross stream and realize her mistake.

You would be a warning in the town, one that you hoped would dare the next little girl to say no to the boy of her dreams and follow her own path.

She would get a loud mouth and date someone with too many pills in their eyes and too much blood on their hands. She would come out alive. She would know better after.

She would go back home and find the boy waiting there with open arms, not having moved an inch since the day she left. They would call her crazy, and years later she would tell another little girl with wild hair and a hungry heart of her old ways, spurring her on to spread her wings over all of Tokyo before finally returning, her dreams holding her hand like an old friend as she ran into the arms of her old lover.

You couldn't help but think about him.

Your apartment was cold. It was always cold in the city, but you didn't mind.

Ten years had passed since you left. You made a name for yourself, you earned enough money to keep yourself in a big apartment in a nice neighborhood, and you dated a boy with too much poison in his veins and came out of it kicking and screaming.


"Hello, my girls! I missed you so much!" You picked up two little girls, both with spiky brown hair and loud voices. You kicked your shoes off and dropped your bag next to them, as your work's now the last thing on your mind. "Welcome home."

"Thank you. I missed you guys today." She smiled as Saw Paing came over from the kitchen and brought his girls into a hug, his youngest one giggling as he ruffled her hair. You set the girls down and watched as they ran into the small living room that never used to be there before.

Saw Paing cooked over the stove he rambled on so much about before you got it for him one year as a present. You wrapped your arms around his waist as he stirred a pot of soup, one of the girls' favorite foods.

He turned around to kiss your forehead before turning back to the stove. You left him with a kiss on his shoulder and made your way through the small home.

Pictures of you in a simple white dress and Saw Paing in an extravagant white suit made your heartache. He wore the biggest smile that lit up even your side of the picture. Then your eyes moved to a corporate office with you in full business attire and Saw Paing in shorts and sandals with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. Finally, your eyes moved to a picture of a hospital room.

A small diamond ring glinted light off as each of your arms was filled with one little girl. Saw Paing's finger was in the corner of the picture and you chuckled at the memory. He had been more nervous than you had during the whole ordeal, pacing the room in scrubs that were hilariously too small for him. He started bawling the second he got to hold his little girls, wanting you to be the first to hold them.

You went back to the village after that dream.

It was the holidays, and even the worst rejects who fled the village came back during them, if not just to remind their mothers they were alive.

You walked through the paths that were once grass, now carved into brown dirt from the memories you weren't there to see. Little feet pattering down the meadows with flowers in their hands, you could only imagine the trouble everyone was getting up to.

You stopped as you heard laughter.

You approached the small home you once called yours and felt your heartache. Inside sat a cute little boy and a cute little girl who were laughing at Saw Paing.

He paraded himself around and you could hear him from where you stood on the path, raving about a princess and a dragon and how he was going to save the princess since he was so good at fighting. The little girl yelled just as loud, while a new figure swooped in and started to talk quietly with the little boy. Saw Paing picked the little girl up and threw her up in the air a few times before the woman motioned for him to stop.

You heard his boisterous laugh shake the ground beneath your feet and as he went in to kiss the woman, you turned back around toward the city.

he was sunshine, i was midnight rain

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