Meeting the skater boy

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Author note: there is cussing in this story. Also, this is my first post, so please be nice, but constructive criticism is welcomed. Also, I don't own any of these characters.

Chapter 1

You had just moved into town, you didn't know anyone, you had saw a bar on your way home from the store one day. It wasn't too far from your apartment building, so you grabbed up your skateboard and pulled your beanie on and headed out. You shoved off and headed towards the bar, 'the crowded streets would have been a problem if I weren't such a great skateboarder' you thought to yourself as you pushed off to gain more speed. You were about to take the corner to reach the bar when you didn't notice someone in front of you, by time you tried to stop, it was too late. You collided with the stranger and ended on top of them, your skateboards rolled to the side, "damnit! Watch where you're going next time you bustard!" You scurried off of them "I'm so sorry! I-I didn't see you there!" When you went to grab your skateboard you realized there were two skateboards and looked at the stranger, "i-is this your skateboard?" The boy turned around and grabbed his skateboard "y-yea" his cheeks began to turn a light pink when he realized he was talking to a girl, you smiled at him and said "hey! I skateboard too!" and held up your skateboard. He chuckled and looked at the ground "n-next time be more careful okay? You could get seriously injured." You smiled and held out your hand, "hi. My name is (y/n). I'm new to the town and I was heading to the bar around the corner." His head shot up and he shook your hand "hi, (y/n), I'm Yata! And I know the bar you're talking about. I was headed there myself!" You smiled at him "wanna go together? We can race there! Believe it or not, but back home I'm the best skateboarder there!" he smirked "you're on! Ready, set, go!!" You both headed off towards the bar, you were in the lead for the longest and then out of nowhere he passed you up, and you couldn't seem to caught up! When you reached the bar, Yata was leaning against the wall outside "shall we go in?" you nodded and went in first, you thought to yourself 'he's not going to rub it in my face that he won?'

He sat down at in a stool at the bar and you sat beside him, the bar tender turned around and didn't see you at first, "Hey Yata, what's new?" Yata smiled slightly and turned to you "I met another skateboarder!" The bar tender turned slightly more towards you, "well hello there ma'am! What can I get for you?" you smiled politely at him and said "just a glass of water please" he looked a bit surprised at your answer the turned back to Yata "you met a girl?! And talked to her?!" Yata's face turned crimson, "yea Izumo! It's not that weird! I talk to girls all the time! Shut up!" Izumo chuckled lightly "whatever you say Yata." You saw Yata turn away slightly to hide his blushing face, "I'm going to take a piss" he announced then realized you were there, which only caused his face to heat up more. While he was gone you looked at Izumo, "why is he blushing so bad? And does he really always talk to girls?" Izumo chuckled lightly "he's what I guess you'd say, is shy around girls, especially when they're as pretty as you." You felt your face heat up very slightly, then Yata walked back into the room and you turned in your stool to look at him as he walked, "hey Yata! Since I'm new around here, I was wondering if you'd show me around sometime?" His face turned a slight shade of pink and he rubbed the back of his neck, "sure, whenever you want to, you'll more then likely find me here." You smiled at him and grabbed his arm, "then let's go now, I really want ice cream, and I don't know where to get it." His face lit up to a light red "uh o-okay. Let's grab our boards."

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