Telling the guys and Anna

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Chapter 8

Reader's POV

After I stayed the night at Yata's, we went to HOMRA after we woke up. I walked into the bar first, "hey! It's (y/n)!" Rikio said with a smile, I smiled back "hey Rikio." I went and sat at the bar and all the guys swarmed around me, I watched as Yata got pissed off, he left and I jumped up to chase after him "I-I'll be right back guys." I ran out the door and began looking around, I sighed when I didn't see Yata then I felt a hand grasping my wrist and I felt someone pull me towards them, I began to freak out until I recognized the smell, it was Yata holding me. I pulled back and looked up at him, "I thought you had left..." I trailed off as he held me closer, "I wouldn't leave you alone with those idiots. I just needed some fresh air, they were pissing me off, they were surrounding my girl." I felt my face heat up at him calling me "his girl" I noticed his face was slightly red too. I looked up at him and gave him a small peck on the lips before nuzzling my face into his chest, "should we tell them?" Yata looked at me, "I mean, we don't have to, I say we see how long it takes them to figure it out." I giggled "we should at least tell Mikoto." He nodded "but only if he swears to keep it a secret" I smiled "and we can tell Anna too." He smiled "of course. She'll be so happy." I kissed him again and heard the door open so I moved to stand next to him, "Yata, you should come back inside." I looked at him as if I had been trying to convince him to come back inside the entire time. He nodded, "fine. But I'm going to talk to Mikoto." I then looked over to see Izumo standing there, Yata walked past him back into the bar, "what's wrong with him?" I shrugged, "I don't know. He wouldn't tell me." Izumo took a hit of his cigarette and blew the smoke out slowly, "if I didn't know any better, I'd say Yata is jealous." I felt my body go stiff, "w-what? Why would he be jealous?" Izumo just chuckled and went back inside. I sat down on the stairs outside, 'I'll wait until it's not obvious that Yata went to talk to Mikoto.' I thought to myself as I waited. After 5 minutes I walked in to go talk to Mikoto, I saw Yata sitting in the hallway I sat next to him, "did you tell him yet?" He shook his head "I was waiting on you." I smiled and stood up reaching my hand out to him, he took it smiling and stood up. We walked hand in hand to where Mikoto and Anna were laying, Anna sat up and smiled at me then saw my hand interlocked with Yata's and she smiled a little wider tapping Mikoto, he groaned "what is it Anna?" Anna was still smiling and she spoke softly "it's (y/n) and Yata, I think they need to talk to us." Mikoto sat up immediately spotting our hands, Yata began to blush slightly and so did I, Mikoto smiled softly "well that didn't take very long. Do the others know?" I shook my head "we're going to play a game with them, see how long it takes them to notice there's something between us." Mikoto looked amused "sounds like fun, but they're idiots, it could take some time." I giggled lightly "yea, but we decided to tell you and Anna before anyone figured it out." Mikoto smiled softly and looked at Yata "this is the first time you've been quiet for this long." Yata began to stutter "I-I j-just di-didn't wa-want to interrupt." Mikoto got up, "let's go see if anyone has figured it out yet." Anna happily followed behind Mikoto, I gave Yata a small kiss and let go of his hand and walked back to the bar he followed and before we got to the bar he grabbed my arm, "hey (y/n), do you want to go out on an actual date later?" I smiled "why wouldn't I want to go on a date with my boyfriend?" I said quietly and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I walked over to sit at the bar I sat in a chair with an empty chair to my right, Yata then walked in and sat next to me, I smiled softly and I noticed Izumo looking at me "what's wrong Izumo?" He stared at me then Yata, "hey (y/n) I need your help with something, come here for a minute." I hopped down and walked over to Izumo he pulled me into the back room, "are you and Yata a thing?" I chuckled "ding ding we have a winner. You're the first person to guess it. But shush, we want to see how long it takes the other guys." He nodded and handed me a small box as we walked back in Yata gave me a curios look and I nodded slightly, he smiled and got up then grabbed the box from me "here (y/n) let me help you with that." I shook my head lightly and tried not to laugh, "Yata it's not that heavy." Yata just smiled " well I'll put it up, you're too short to do that part." I pouted playfully, "I'm not short!" he chuckled "yes you are." I sat back down, "whatever." Mikoto was watching us and then Rikio came up to me, "so (y/n) are you adjusting to being part of HOMRA?" I smiled "yes I am, I love it here." I looked over at Yata, he was watching Rikio 'does he really not trust him that much? Or is he just easily jealous?' I thought ask Rikio said something that I didn't hear because I was thinking about Yata. I really wanted to hold his hand right now, Rikio gave me a curious look and then told Yata to follow him, Yata did so I was assuming he was asking if Yata and I are together. I was sitting at the bar when all of a sudden there was a tap on my shoulder, it was Eric, "hi Eric, what's up?" I couldn't see his eyes, but no one ever really could, he shifted from foot to foot he seemed very nervous, "the guys and I were wondering, if we're wrong you can yell at us or something, but are you and Yata, you know, together or do you just like each other?" I was in complete shock then Yata walked in "what's wrong (y/n)?" he asked and I looked at Eric, "ask Yata what you just asked me Eric." Eric looked more nervous now, "the guys seem to think you and (y/n) are together, or like each other or something." Yata looked at me in shock "I thought they were more stupid then this." he said still shocked, I nodded "I guess since they guessed we should just tell them." Yata nodded, then stood up "okay dumbasses, (y/n) and I are together, if you have a problem with it, and tell me and I'll kick your ass okay?" It was quiet for a few seconds before Izumo spoke "hey, maybe now Yata won't die a virgin." Yata's face went crimson and I looked at him "you're a virgin?" he looked away and ran out the door. I ran after him "Yata!! Come back please!" I saw him stop and I ran up to him, I hugged him and kissed his neck. He looked really upset, "well, now you know, I'm a virgin, so go ahead make fun of me." I shook my head "I'm not going to make fun of you, because I'm a virgin too." I saw his face heat up, and then I kissed his warm cheek, "so, where are you taking me on our date tonight?" He smiled, "I don't know yet." I smiled back at him, "let's go back to the bar and figure out something to do okay?" he nodded and walked with me, hand in hand, back into the bar.

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