Getting to know Yata

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A/N: sorry for not posting in a few days. I was suffering from some severe writer's block! And I had some stuff to do, like graduation and such. Anywho, I hope you all enjoy the new chapter! Ps. Thanks for 126 views! I love you all!

Chapter 6
Reader's POV

After Yata and I ate our breakfast, I gave Yata his beanie and jacket back "I-I'm sorry I had them on..I was cold on the couch when you left" I saw Yata's face begin to turn dark crimson, "but you have an aura now, you could have warmed yourself up." As true as this statement was, my aura didn't smell like Yata, it didn't make me happy when I breathed in, "o-oh yea. That's right." Yata just looked at me, 'oh shit. He knows I like him.' I began to panic internally. That's when he did something that was a huge surprise, "will you go out with me today? Just to go shopping, I need some groceries, and I thought maybe you could help me pick out some foods that aren't going to give me a heart attack before I turn 20." I giggled at his comment, "sure. But, I only have my dirty clothes that smell like alcohol. Will you come to my apartment with me? So I can change, and then you can see where to take me next time" I chuckled nervously. His face turned a light shade of red, "s-sure." I smiled at his cuteness then grabbed his hand and drug him to my apartment, which was surprisingly only three doors down from his. I unlocked my door and flipped on the light I kicked off my shoes and he did the same his face was still red, as he followed me to the living room "I still smell like alcohol, I'm going to take a quick shower, feel free to get some food or anything." I headed to the shower after he nodded in agreement, as I showered I wondered what Yata's story was, why was he so easily angered, was it just who he was? It didn't bother me, it was actually kind of cute, I just wanted to know more about him, I wanted to know everything about him. I finished my shower and put a towel around myself, then I realized I had forgotten to get clean clothes, I began to freak out 'I'll just run to my room, I don't think he can see me from the living room' I thought and opened the door and sprinted to my room when I opened my door, I saw Yata standing in my room looking at pictures of my family. I froze in shock "Y-Yata...I'm going to kill you!" I yelled as I picked up a pillow and threw it at his face, my towel falling in the process, I froze in shock as he looked over at me his face went dark crimson immediately "c-close y-your e-eyes!!" I stuttered as I grabbed my towel he did as commanded then I yelled at him to get out, which he did I then got dressed and walked out of my room not making eye contact. "Y-you saw it all didn't you?" I asked quietly still not looking at him, he began to stutter "I-I'm s-so s-sorry" I grabbed my skateboard and turned to him trying not to think about the earlier events "let's go." He just sat there with a confused look, then jumped up and grabbed his board too, I locked my door and we started walking down the stairs in silence. I decided to break the awkwardness, "don't bet yourself up about it. It's particularly my fault too. I should have gotten clothes before I went to the shower." his head sprung up and he immediately turned red, "I-I just was bored and decided to try and find something to do, then I accidentally wondered into your room and I was going to leave until I saw pictures of you and your family." I couldn't stay mad at him, and that was obviously, "you saw those horrible pictures of me?" I said jokingly. His face remained red as he looked at the stairs "I thought you looked cute" this caught my attention and I smiled softly "thanks." he nodded "y-you're welcome." As we reached the outside of the building he grabbed my wrist, in shock I looked back at him "Yata?" I noticed his face was a dark crimson, "Y-Y/n, I really like you, and I'm sorry I was in your room, please forgive me. I just wanted to look at the pictures of you because I missed seeing you." This shocked me then I smiled at him, "Yata it's okay. Don't worry about it, I forgive you. Now, let's go shopping okay?" he looked at you in a state of shock, "s-so y-you're n-not ma-mad?" he stuttered out, I smiled at him "of course not. Let's go!" I put my board down and kicked off Yata did the same, and never left my side he was right next to me the entire time, it made me feel safe for some reason. I knew I already liked him, so I decided to ask him some questions, just to get to know him, "so Yata. What's your first name?" He looked at me in shock and he looked a little pissed off, "it's Misaki." I smiled and nodded, "how old are you? I'm guessing around 18?" he looked at you and smiled, "close. I'm 19, I'll be 20 in July." He looked at me, "how old are you?" I winked at him, "old enough." He began to blush lightly, causing me to giggle lightly, "no. I'm 18." he looked at you, "so you're younger then me?" I nodded "I guess so because I won't be 19 until (y/birthday)." He smiled, "we'll have a party then." I shook my head no "no! I don't like parties!" Yata smirked, "too bad. You told me your birthday, so we're going to have a party." When we finally arrived at the store I grabbed a shopping cart and began to push it towards the vegetables, Yata followed and I picked up an onion to put it in the cart, "gross! No onions!" Yata then grabbed my hand and guided it back to where the onions were and I dropped the onion, he then smiled at me and began to push the cart. Once we had got all the groceries he needed we headed towards the check out, Yata and I had talked the entire time we shopped, you learned a lot about him like he has a younger brother and sister, and a step father, he considers HOMRA to be his family, his ex best friend is a part of the Blues now, and betrayed him, you learned about Totsuka's death, and how they were out to get the guy who killed him, you also learned that Yata hasn't been sleeping well since Totsuka's murder. When you and Yata got back to the apartments, you went into Yata's kitchen to put away the groceries, then you felt a pair of arms around your waist, you turned around to see Yata, his eyes had tears in them and he was holding you close "Yata, what's wrong?" You saw him bury his face in your chest, you put your arms around him and held him until he finally spoke "you're going to leave, you're going to go back to your apartment, and I'm going to be alone like I always am. I hate being alone." You couldn't help but smile at him, and you lifted his face up to yours and looked him in the eyes "I'm not going anywhere. I'll stay the night here if you want me to. Or you can come to my apartment, it's totally up to you. But I'm not leaving you." He smiled softly and then you felt something soft against your lips, Yata had his eyes closed and his lips were connected to yours, you closed your eyes and enjoyed the warmth from his lips. When he pulled away his face was a dark red and he buried his face in your neck "t-thanks for n-not leaving me" he stuttered and you nodded still shocked from the kiss.

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