Next to You on New Year's

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A/N: happy new year everyone! this one is very rushed cuz i decided i wanted to put our a new year's special too lol, hope it satisfies ur content cravings for my gfs


It's New Year's Eve, only a few minutes to the New Year's celebration.

Ava and Beatrice are on vacation together in New York.

A few hours prior, they had decided they enjoyed the more quiet and calm atmosphere their hotel room had given them, so they waited to watch the countdown through the room window.

Because let's be honest, who needs a New Year's kiss when you get to celebrate the New Year with your best friend?

And before they knew it, the clock started counting down, shouts of the crowd below erupting as they counted down with the display

"5", the large screen on the building displays.

"4", yet for some reason, Ava has yet to say a word,

"3", or display a smile.

"2", Beatrice didn't think much of it despite it being quite odd for Ava's typical behavior, maybe she was just taking the moment in.

"1", processing everything that's happened since her second chance in life.

She doesn't blame her, Beatrice would totally do the same if she got another opportunity at existing.


"HAPPY NEW-", but before Beatrice could take in the sight and examine the font and color palette of the phrase, she felt her face turned to the side and pulled forward.

Pulled towards Ava.

Lips meeting each other, they share a passionate New Year's and first kiss.

Took her long enough, Beatrice thinks.

They break apart after quite a while, only due to the lack of oxygen.

Breaths heavy, they stare into each other's eyes, a smile spreading on each of their faces.

"Happy New Year, Bea.", Ava greets, soft hands still gently caressing the other woman's face.

"Happy New Year, love.", Beatrice responds.

Ava simply smiles at the new nickname she's been given and leans back in to peck her lips once more, snuggling her face into the crook of Bea's neck as they listen to the popping and crackling of the fireworks being set off.

What a way to start the year.


A/N: happy new year once again everyone!! i'm like a whole day late but i hope this one-shot does avatrice some justice :)) wishing that only good things come to u all this year and that u achieve everything u want to !! 

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