Luna (II)

366 22 11



Over the next week, they had only communicated over necessities, and had agreed to alternate in taking care of Luna.

Ava had stayed at the apartment - Beatrice had found another to stay at for the time being, at least until they could figure things out.

They would take turns in taking care of the dog over week-long intervals.

Initially, it was awkward.

Initially, Ava would tend to try and apologize, and Beatrice would just shrug her off.

Even their shifts at the bar grew awkward, Beatrice would hardly ever go down to the bar anymore. She kept her distance from the Halo Bearer, staying in the part-storage room part-office almost her whole shift.

Beatrice had made it a habit, even, to get to work earlier than usual. Not just to unlock the doors, but to avoid Ava. Additionally, she would grab a bottle of water that could last her long enough throughout the day, in order for her to no longer have to leave her workspace.

It didn't change anything in their relationship, though.

They were no longer together, and despite the several hand-brushes that had occurred every time one reached for the dog carrier in the other's hand, it seemed like "not together" was how it would be for a while, if not forever.

It was a Sunday morning, a few months had already passed since the incident, their relationship still stagnant.

Ava lifted her hand to knock thrice on the wooden door.

Following a good ten to twenty seconds, the door creaked open, revealing Beatrice on the other side.

Over time, the mutual discomfort between the two slowly faded away - conversations going from small talk to ever so slightly lengthier ones.

"Hey.", Ava greets, no hint of excitement in her voice.

Beatrice only nods, eyes trained on the dog carrier.

Today, though, was different than all the other times Ava had dropped Luna off prior.

Today, Ava didn't immediately hand Beatrice the carrier like she usually did.

Today, Ava asked Beatrice a question.

"Bea, may I come in please?", she asks, politeness yet doubt wavering in her tone.

Beatrice looks up from the enclosure to Ava, in slight fear and confusion as to why Ava would want to enter her apartment.

After contemplating the decision for a while, she quietly steps aside and opens the door wider for Ava.

Ava steps inside, setting the carrier down on the ground, before unlocking and opening its gate.

"What is it?", Beatrice asks, watching the dog roam around the apartment.

"Can we please talk?"

"What about?", she asks, though she already had an idea of what it was in the back of her mind.

"Beatrice...", Ava responds.

Gosh, she knows me too well... And after some more thought, "Fine.".

"Bea, I'm really sorry for the way I acted.", Ava starts.

"I have said this in the past, and I will say it once again. We cannot change what is, only what will be."

"Beatrice please, I'm sorry...", tears forming in her eyes.

"Sorry doesn't cut it, Ava.", Beatrice responds sternly.

Ava is slightly taken aback, not that she wasn't expecting the hostility, though. It was understandable. But if there was one thing about Ava, her stubbornness could sometimes be a good thing.

"Please, Bea, what can I do to make it up to you?", Ava speaks, tears now freely and uncontrollably running down her face.

Beatrice, once more, goes deep into thought.

Forgive her already.

But she's hurt you so much.

People make mistakes.

What's stopping her from repeating them?

She's doing her best.

But is she, though?

You love her, c'mon now.

Does she realize that I do? Does she realize her reckless actions might one day take a toll on her and maybe even cause her to lose her life? Does she realize how much she means to me and how fucking hard it would be for me to lose her?


Tears now blurring her own vision, and Beatrice being incapable of coming up with anything to say, she can hardly notice or even expect Ava to wrap her in her warm embrace.

Face buried in her chest, Ava mumbles out incoherent apologies, over and over again.

"Bea, I am so sorry, I really am... I didn't mean to hurt you and I know that you only wanted the best for me because you loved me, and-"

"Love.", Beatrice interrupts.

"What?", Ava barely manages to choke out, looking up at Beatrice, who has her eyes blankly trained on the door behind Ava.

"I-", it's hard for her to admit, but she wants to.

And so she does, "I only want the best for you because I love you. Present tense, Ava."



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