Hot Chocolate

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A/N: guys i had a calculus test today on limits and continuity and i fucked up so bad i actually forgot half the shit i studied and left like 2 numbers blank and ik i got like 5 of them wrong so if someone can find me a will to live then that'd be great


Ava wasn't really a coffee person, Beatrice knew that.

There had been times wherein Ava needed to stay up late at night to the early hours of the morning before Beatrice dragged her into bed.

There had also been times wherein Ava needed to stay up but was unable to. Beatrice had noticed this, making a note in her research of how the Halo and how it does not, in fact, aid with staying up.

And so she took this issue into her own hands.

Although yes, she did want Ava to get quality, restful sleep, she completely understood (and sympathized) with her if and when she had to stay up to complete whatever tasks she had to.

Every once in a while, when Ava's eyes were closing momentarily before snapping back open as she was hunched on the chair in front of the desk, Bea would prepare a small drink for her.

It wasn't caffeine, had she observed that Ava didn't enjoy it much.

One thing she did perceive, though, was what Ava had been enjoying recently: chocolate drinks.

So that was what Bea would prepare for her.

She would spoon cocoa powder and less sugar than the recipe calls for into a cup of warm milk, stirring the utensil around the circular shape of the mug slowly and patiently until the ingredients diffused into the solvent.


"Mmm...?", she sleepily replies, but only after ever so slightly jumping from the unexpected voice.

"You seem far too exhausted to carry on, would you like to go to bed yet? You could complete th-"

"No...", Ava mumbles, interrupting Bea's sentence.

Beatrice wasn't surprised at the refusal, so after some thought, "Alright, if you insist...", she doubtfully responds, walking over toward Ava before placing a hand on her shoulder and setting the mug in front of Ava.

Ava thanks her, and after some time, reaches the goals she had set to complete by that day, with some help from Beatrice.

Bea then practically carries Ava to their bed, as the woman had almost fully passed out on the chair.

Laying her lover gently on the bed, she pulls the covers up over most of her body, before slipping underneath the soft blanket herself.

"Sleep well, darling...", Beatrice greets, planting a kiss on her forehead, then another short, sweet one on her lips.

"Mhhmm... G'night angel.", Ava responds quietly, wrapping her arms around Beatrice's torso and pulling her closer.



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