Sketching Love

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A/N: mmm yes we love bold beatrice here have some bold beatrice


The late afternoon sun streamed through the large windows of the café, casting a warm golden glow over the half-busy space. The air was filled with the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the sound of chatter and clinking of cups and plates.

Ava had taken notice of a young woman she occasionally saw through the halls of her university with who entered the café around the same time as she did. Both women had been settled in the café for just a few hours now, the intriguing stranger having spent her time so far seemingly studying and completing assignments.

This only reminded Ava of the assignment she came here to do. Her professor had assigned their class with the task of creating a sketch, making use of references in person. The local café seemed to be calling out to Ava, so that's where she went in order to fulfill her assignment.

She finally ordered an iced coffee in a to-go cup after hours of staying at the café before returning back to the seat she had previously taken. She settled at a table that was somewhat near a window for natural sunlight. She pulled a sketchbook, as well as a few other art materials out of her beige tote bag. Ava gently flips to a new page, before scouting out for a subject she could use as a reference.

As her eyes scanned her surroundings for something interesting, they landed on the woman who had indirectly reminded her to start on her project. This works perfectly, she thinks. She picked her pencil up and begun sketching - stealing quick and discreet glances at her subject in order not to seem creepy.

Some time passes and Ava now thinks she's successfully been getting away with the brief peeks at the woman, yet little did she know that the woman had in fact, taken notice.

The woman had gotten up from her seat and started to approach Ava, unbeknownst to the girl, due to the sheer amount of focus on the paper in front of her, evident through her furrowed eyebrows and sharp eyes.

Ava looks up from the paper to take what would've been one of her final looks at the subject of her drawing, when she realizes she's gone. "Hey-" an unfamiliar voice started, getting cut off as Ava frantically looked over her shoulder. Her eyes met those of the woman she had been drawing for at least the few minutes or so. "Wait... are you drawing me?" the young woman asked as she moves in front of Ava.

Ava's cheeks quickly heated up in embarrassment, "I'm sorry, I should've asked-"

Beatrice chuckled lightly at this remark, "Oh, no. Don't worry about it. I'm... I'm quite honoured, really..." she commented as she moves closer to Ava to get a better look at her work in progress. Ava was taken aback at the distance - or the lack of it, thereof, between her and 'mystery girl she occasionally sees in the hallways'.

"You are so talented..." she said softly in awe - lips parted slightly in amazement at her work. "Heh... thanks..." Ava muttered, cheeks still red from the awkwardness of the whole situation. Beatrice, now having brought her stuff over from the table she was initially at, slid into the seat across Ava.

She smiled charmingly and folded her arms, "Here's a better view, I'm all yours for the day." she winked smugly.

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