Luna (I)

431 19 21

A/N: sad avatrice >:) takes place after s2 finale but this time ava made it :>


Recently, Ava and Beatrice had been going through quite the rough relationship.

After the final battle against Adriel (and Lilith too, apparently), they had realized how God awfully close they were to losing each other, the weight of their feelings for each other became too heavy a burden to carry.

They did what any person in their right mind would've done.


It was sweet and straightforward (undoubtedly not straight, though).

Shortly after, they had set their boundaries and conditions, they had made each other aware of complications and obstacles they might have and encounter, then told their number one and first supporter:


She was ecstatic over the news, hopping giddily in the air, a wide smile making itself very well known on her face.

Just because the two had gotten in a relationship with each other, though, didn't change the fact that Ava was just as reckless as she was before, and didn't change the fact that it bothered Beatrice too much.

Yet she was patient with the Halo Bearer, gently reminding her to think before doing, to think her decisions through and critically.

Much to her dissatisfaction, Ava was stubborn. She almost always reacted to situations before her brain could even get the chance to think of any possible consequences her actions could bring.

That, among other individual struggles each woman had been dealing with, was slowly deteriorating their relationship.

Their active supporter had taken notice of their respective behavior, gifting them a small dog (with Mother Superion's permission, of course), hoping that the pet would give them something to bond over.

Despite this, they continued to get into arguments significantly more, and when they did, they were far more heated than they used to get.

"Ava, listen to me. I-"


"Darling, I understand, but-"

"NO. DON'T 'DARLING' ME RIGHT NOW BEATRICE.", she cuts her off once more.

Beatrice hardly ever loses composure, even more so cry. And though it's usually Ava who tends to let her emotions get the best of her, Beatrice could no longer do it.

"Ava Silva, you are really pushing my buttons right now.", she utters as calmly as humanely possible.


Now it's the Sister Warrior's turn to cut the other woman off, "Ava, we are done. I need a break."

"W-What?", Ava stands, slightly taken aback at Beatrice's abrupt decision.

"You heard me.", Beatrice blankly scoffed, wiping tears from her cheeks and gathering some essentials before dashing out of the apartment before Ava could even say anything in response.

"Bea- hey! Beatrice! Wait-", Ava tries to stop her, but to no avail.

Oh, I fucked up...

Just then, Luna, the dog Camila had gifted them, fearfully walked out from underneath the couch.

"Oh, Luna baby... I'm sorry.", Ava apologizes while wiping newly formed tears that had rolled down her face.

She slumped down on the ground in front of the couch with the puppy in her arms. She caressed the dog's fur as she sat and contemplated what she had just done.

Her breathing had started to get heavier and faster, realizing the weight of her actions and the lack of prior thought behind them. Fresh tears continued to brim in her eyes, not settling in her eyes for too long before they fell down too.

Ava no longer knew what to do, Beatrice was the light of her life. She was lost without Beatrice. She didn't know where Beatrice was.

Was she safe?

Was she feeling okay?

No, definitely not after that.

Oh God, I hope she's okay.

She'll come back, right?

No, she won't, you hurt her too bad.

She was only trying to look out for me, out of love.

God, I'm such a fuck up.

Of course the one person who genuinely loved me, I hurt - I pushed away because of my stupid self-centeredness and ignorance.

Not even the unlocking and turning of the doorknob could break Ava out of her mid-panic attack trance.

Beatrice was only meant to pick up a few clothes and the dog, yet when she enters the doorframe, eyes slightly reddened and puffy from crying, she finds Ava laying on the ground, sobbing and curled up into a ball.

"Ava?", Beatrice frightenedley exclaims, before rushing over toward her- it's a complicated situation...

Ava, breaths still rushed and shaky, could hardly even look up at the source of the question.

Suddenly, she was wrapped in a familiar embrace.

"Are you okay?", Beatrice asks, trying not to sound like she cared too much, though deep down, she knew she cared about the woman more than anything the world had to offer and more.

Just from the comfort that Beatrice's presence next to her brought her, from knowing Beatrice was safe, she was able to calm down - her breathing slowing and tears no longer accumulating in her eyes.

"Beatrice, look. I'm sor-"

"Stop.", Beatrice interrupts.

Beatrice never cut Ava off, especially when they were talking about their feelings,

"What?", Ava asks, dumbfoundedly.

Beatrice only silently stands from her crouched position, rushing into their shared bedroom and taking some belongings, before continuing into their kitchen, where she opened the cupboard underneath the sink, grabbing what remained in the bag of dog food.

"Beatrice, wait, please.", Ava hopelessly begs.

Beatrice picks Luna up and places her into the dog carrier, quickly departing from the apartment, no longer wanting to be in the same room as the other woman any longer.



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