Sunlit Love

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The sun streaming in through the large window of the library made it a challenge for Ava to keep her eyes open. Despite having gone to the library with the ultimate goal of studying, sleep eventually caught up to her - exhaustion from balancing her demanding schedule of sports and academics all at once.

She had found solace in the rhythmic beats of the music that flowed through the earbuds she shared with her best friend, Beatrice. Beatrice was what almost every student could only dream of being - a straight-A student (straight, not so much... but no one needed to know that). She always got the highest grades in every subject, maybe other than P.E., though.

Not long after Ava had drifted off, the bright sunlight became too much for her, and she began to furrow her eyebrows in discomfort amidst her slumber. Beatrice took notice of the minuscule motion and quickly took action. With gentle movements, she lifted her hand to shield Ava's eyes from the harsh sunlight. But as she did so, her mistake dawned upon her - she was right-handed, and that was the arm she had decided was best to block the sunlight that was in the way of Ava's face, which was now already visibly relaxing. She quickly picked her pen up with her left hand and tried to write with it instead, determined to simultaneously resume her studying and help her friend.

Although Ava was already drifting back off to sleep, she still felt the pressure of Beatrice's arm resting on on her shoulder, as well as the sudden unnatural disappearance of harsh sunlight on her face. She slowly opened her eyes, taking in the sight of her best friend trying to shield her eyes from the sun. A warm feeling buzzed deep in her chest all the way down to the pit of her stomach, grateful for Beatrice's caring nature.

Unbeknownst to Bea, Ava was fully awake, and she only realized when Ava gently took hold of her hand, pushing it gently down to the table to rest her head on. Ava closed her eyes once more, this time with a smile, feeling the comfort of her friend's touch. Beatrice smiled back when she turned to Ava, understanding the unspoken bond they had formed over the years.

Beatrice went back to her notes, but found it difficult to write with her dominant hand occupied. She picked up her Biology book instead, grateful for the attempt at a distraction it provided. Meanwhile, Ava finally drifted off into a deep slumber, the feeling of security and hidden love floating in the air around them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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