Chapter 10- cosa importa come mi spezza il cuore?

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The two were digging for what felt like hours on end. Blood, sweat, and even tears were shed. Tears coming from the black haired boy only, of course.

"When... When are we going to be done with this? It's so cruel, do you understand that-" It was common for him to be interrupted mid sentence now, a regular occurrence.

"Do not defy me or my ways!" Diavolo hisses, growling lowly beneath his breath.

"I...," Narancia's amythest eyes drop. "Yes, master...," He sighs, throwing more valuable items into the pile that they had got going.

'Huh...? What is this?' The taller man thought to himself, noticing a body that hadn't quite been buried yet. His figure had lost quite a bit of muscle over time, he was now tall and slender rather than being muscular as he used to be. Diavolo also had a few scars from being burned, but not to the point that Narancia was. Slowly, he approaches a figure to which is lying on its back.

It is covered in mud and dirt. Its liminal. He feels like he knows it, but he can't quite put his finger on it. Nervously, Diavolo takes in a deep breath brushes a good amount of dirt off of the body.

"Narancia," He calls to the smaller boy.

"...Yes, master?" Narancia questions, panting heavily from working so hard. He is covered in dirt now as well.

"Do you remember digging up a body near the fountain?" He breaks out into a bit of a sweat, turning to the black haired boy.

"No, master. I've only been digging over here," Narancia frowns, shaking his head. He feels a sense of fear come over him as well. If he or his master didn't dig that body up, then who did?

"...Okay," Diavolo answers in a somewhat shaky, yet deep and enchanting voice nonetheless. The figure's body is covered in a mix of dead plants, grass, mud, and of course ash. Diavolo sets his hands on the figure's waist and carefully flips the body over. He feels a cold sweat come over his body upon looking at it closer, and he freezes in there in place while his eyes widen to their full extent. His bottom lip quivers and his body begins to tremble.

Carefully, he cups the side of the dead boy's face and looks at him in the eyes.

It's Doppio. His skin is deathly pale and there are now holes appearing in his cheeks. He is decomposing. His once bright and freckled face is nothing but a lifeless husk of what he was before.

Diavolo begins to breathe in heavily as he shakes Doppio's body.

"Doppio! My dear, charming, sweet Doppio...!" He begins to hyperventilate, shaking the boy's dead body.

"Master, are you okay?" Narancia questions, running up to his new master and who used to be the one known as Vinegar Doppio.

"Don't speak to me, boy...!" Diavolo shakes his head, his skin paling.

Narancia seems to be in shock as he watches the sight play out before his eyes. Diavolo's once pink hair with neatly decorated spots is beginning to slowly turn silver, strand by strand. The black haired boy cannot believe the sight that is playing before him. He hasn't ever seen anything like this before. It was disturbing and somewhat mesmerizing at the same time.

Diavolo's jaw is about dropped to the floor as he leans over and begins to gag, throwing up into the fountain. His arm hangs loosely over the fountain, and his head is turned downwards.

Marie Antoinette syndrome designates the condition in which scalp hair suddenly turns white. The name alludes to the unhappy Queen Marie Antoinette of France (1755-1793), whose hair allegedly turned white the night before her last walk to the guillotine during the French Revolution. She was terrified for her children's lives as she impatiently waited in the prison during death row. She was 38 years old when she died.

As for Diavolo, he is now 32 years old, with a full head of white hair. He lifts his head from the fountain and meets eyes with Narancia.

The ravenette immediately notices that his eyes are now an ice blue, and his pupils seem to be shaking. Diavolo's appearance is nothing like what he used to look like before. He was tall and muscular with his iconic fuschia hair. Now he is tall, skinny, and has snow white hair with icy sapphire eyes.

"W-Why...?" He shakes his head, gripping onto his new locks of hair as his skin pales as well. "Why the hell does this have to happen...?! Someone as pure and sweet as...!" He cannot seem to finish his sentence.

Narancia does not speak a word. Knowing Diavolo, he would probably tell him to shut up or give some over the top explanation of why he shouldn't open his tongue to speak. So the boy simply ignored his master's question and got back to digging graves.

Diavolo's New Appearance

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