after all

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I'm gonna lose it, I've disappointed so many times and I don't want it to happen again but I'm just so naïve and keep getting hurt, I do so much for people just so I can call myself a good person but I don't seem to be enough I wish people could realize I'm struggling and take it in themselves and stop treating me like I'm nothing. go ahead tell me that no one asked me to do stuff for them but how do I prove I'm good if people can't help but go with their version of me in their mind. I don't want to love anyone ever again doesn't have to be romantic but every time I loved someone ( even family) the universe did its best to show me why I shouldn't. I'm still so young why am I getting all of these problems, people will only show care once it's too late. once they can tell someone sorry ,why do humans only notice what they have once it's too late it doesn't make any sense why are we so ungrateful I've been too late to tell my love to someone as if they are still alive but are just giving me a long and hard cold shoulder. which is what I mean humans only notice to say sorry, I love you, come back, thank you or give someone gifts once they fully leave? that's the only way to make someone realize how much you've done which is why I think committing suicide has problems but many many many reliefs. I need help I do but I won't get any because no one has any to offer. people will tell me they will be there when I need them but those are just words. purely ones that we feel the need to say to get validated we say that knowing damn well we won't listen to anyone... ill always listen to anyone im serious I want to help so many people before I go, there is no heart like mine, I'm not just saying pure words here. there is seriously no heart like mine so sensitive and hurt but still wanting to help many people by ignoring their own problems that are eating them alive just because '' I give people what I don't get because I know how it feels'' people hurt me without realizing im a 12-year old that just wants to enjoy life but can't. no matter what I won't ever think of hurting someone on purpose that is the last thing that will come to my mind do, after all, I've been hurt a million of times i don't want to pass or give anyone the same pain. this bad mood these bad thoughts these bad people and I just simply must move on. in the end, Sofia always bounces back.

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