Chapter 1

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Today was the first day at my new school, I have been to over 20 schools because of my behavior and the issue of not being able to keep my calm, not fighting or getting in trouble by the cops but my name is Rick and I'm 18 in high school, you might know me from stories like “the i fucked-up wedding, vampire princess, Satan ball and other

Chapter 1

Rick is time to get up” my mother said to me peeking through my door
“I don't want too”

“Get up now or I will get your father”,

“so, get em”, I hated when my mother did that, she really thought that I was scared of my dad but I wasn't and she knew that. I got up and grabbed my green towel, “you always waking up late”

“And you always got shit to say, now move”

“If you stop sleeping with whores maybe you can focus”

“Shut up and move”

“you mad and before we leave wake them two sluts up and tell them to get out”, she moved from in front of the door and walked downstairs, I smelt breakfast and I knew I was going to be late if I didn't hurry up, i walked into the bathroom and jumped in the shower letting the hot water hit my body, “rick drew underwood, hurry your ass up”, they was annoying me and the day haven’t even started yet I have two siblings, yall already met my sister amber and my older brother Joshua doesn't live with us cause I was told when my mother was giving birth to me he was out partying and got his girlfriend (which is now his wife) pregnant but that bum was beyond out of my life.

I finished washing up and hurried up, got out, dried off and ran into my room to put on my polo outfit with my new Jordan’s and woke the two girls that was in my bed, they put they clothes on while I was putting my earrings on and then we went downstairs grabbed some bacon and orange juice and I raced my sister to the limo, my dad was a rich businessman and my mother was a surgeon, yeah they were doing they thing working hard to deal with two spoil kids one to good for the world and the other bad as the devil himself. On the other hand me and my sister wanted to be famous performers Aka singers we been singing since 5 and we been writing since 13 but now we just got to find a school that has music and this might be it.

“So why are they coming with us”

“cause, the driver is going to drop them off at their house ”

“you know dad mad at you right”


“cause i told him about your little party, when him and mom was out”

“you a snitch”

‘thanks and rick”

“yeah, try not to get into a fight”

“now you know”

“promise me, we can’t keep going to school after school”

“fine, I'll try but if someone says something to me, that’s it”

“ok, rick, is deck and Chris going to be there?”

“yeah, they said they meet us there”

We arrived at the school hella early so we just walked around taking a tour

“so you wanna go see if they got a music room”

“Yeah we should go stop at the office first”

we walked to the office and the lady in the front gave us our schedule,

“you guys are pretty early school doesn’t start till 8:40 and its 7:20”

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