chapter 10

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I told everyone they can leave but first we had to blink to his family house

“now yall can go”

“his kids ran downstairs and hugged him, they was like 15 and 16 and the oldest was like 18 or 19, “dad what’s going on, who’s this”

“a friend”

“your lying”, the oldest boy said calling his mother downstairs and she was wearing a work uniform with her hair in a ponytail, “honey what’s going on who’s this”

“and tell the truth” their oldest son said,

“you know those stories I use to tell yall about the vampires and watches”

“yeah dad we remember”

“the underwoods” his little girl said

“yeah, them.. well he’s one of the them”, they sat there staring at me and starting laughing, “honey you stopped me from going to work to say this bullshit”

“oh he’s not lying its true” I said flashing my teeth and my watch, his wife was shocked and had her mouth wide open and his two youngest were smiling at me, “so wait if you’re a underwood why are you here”

“should I tell them or you”

“I’ll do it, I was trying to rob him for his shoes and him and his gang killed my gang”



“so what bring you here”

“he have me the choice to join them and become a vampire or me and you guys die but yall watch me die first”

“that’s fucked up but your joining”

“yeah that’s the only chance I have of still seeing yall”, they started crying and hugs and I was getting bored of the shit, “hurry up for we can move on to the fun part”

“so your taking our dad from us”, the little boy ask which I got irritated by cause we just explained that I’m not killing him or taking him

“no god damn”

“don’t curse around them”

“they shouldn’t be so damn stupid at their age”, he punched me and ran to his family, “you know I’m rethinking about keeping you alive”

“well don’t”

“so you’ll want me to kill you and your family just because I cursed around yours kids that’s a stupid reason to die from”

“yeah dad that’s pretty lame”, his daughter said ,”you know just take him, turn him and keep him and we live”, his wife or girlfriend said, I didn’t see a ring “what”, “deal”, I grabbed him and bite him right there, “omg that’s so cool”, his oldest son said “what that’s disgusting, look his bleeding now”

“it will stop soon, now I’ll take him and yall clean this blood up and file a missing report”.

My guards grabbed him and for the first time I went to the kingdom, it was bigger than I expected to be, “where you want us to put him”, “take him inside”, I gotta call from deck and it’s crazy because I’m in a whole different dimension


“nigga why you not in school”

“taking care of some shit”,


“none of yo business nigga you always nosey”

“I was asking a damn question bum”, “deck don’t get smart”, he started laughing and I hang up and of course he called me back, “nigga don’t hang up on me”

“I’ll handle you when I get back”

“you tryna fight?,

“shut the fuck up and get my work cause I might not be back”

“alright bum and let shawn out”, I just ignored him and tried to hang up but he called my name, “Rick?!”

“bro I’m busy let me talk to you when I get home”

“whatever bring me back a 0 negative ”

“ok nigga damn”

“and don’t forget”

“I won’t I’ll get em damn”, he hang up and I lead my vampire into my castle which where I ran into my uncle son, “look who’s back”

“is there a problem”

“nope, just it took you long enough”

“your forgetting I’m the real king right I can get you kicked out of here”

“and then you would have to rule and then you wouldn’t get to go back to your little fun world”


I walked away bumping into him heading down to the prison where we keep all the prisoners. I knew what he smelled like and that’s how I tell which prisoner is which and because they had numbers on the bars, I walked up to where he was and unlocked the lock,

“you ready to go”

“you bastard”, he ran towards me but two of my guards stopped him

“you know you really a bitch to everyone you come around”

“thanks I know”, Trevon started to wake up faster than we did and he was just looking at me then he ran off.

“Go grab him”, they ran after him and I pushed shawn and my brother to walk in front of me and we walked back to the top floor where all my guards where standing, “what you wanna do with him”, AJ said,

“he’s one of us now, teach him how to be one of us and if he doesn’t get it in 4 days tops, kill him”

“yes sir”

“AJ let me talk to you”

“yeah wassup”

“aye I’m making you my head vampire don’t let nothing go wrong ok”

“yeah I got you”, I looked at him cause he was talking to me like I was his friend. “Sorry sir I mean king

“it’s cool AJ and as soon as I get all this settled we can talk more”


“your welcome, now go”, I turned towards shawn and my brother and we blinked back to earth, he started to throw up on my carpet which was not very smart of him,

“your falling in love again”

“I’m I”

“yeah you are with that vampire AJ”

“sorry I’m waiting for someone”

“are you”

“hell no, ain’t got time for relationship”

“you sound stupid”

“thank you”, I walked away and Chris, amber and deck came in

“your back”


“and I see you got shawn with you”

“Yeah sadly”

“but we got a problem brother”, my sister said, “What’s that”

“you know that girl you use to date back in Texas”


“she called me and said she was pregnant”

“shut up”

“she said their twins and they look just like you”, my head was spinning and I wasn’t believing the shit she was telling me cause why the fuck would a girl form 3 years ago text me talking about twins and how she was pregnant, I walked in the kitchen and grabbed a pizza slice from the box, “she said she’s coming here”

“she’s not dropping them off here”

“why not”, I was standing there thinking, mad as fuck, you know what I was pass mad, cause how the fuck you gone call my sister tell her you were pregnant and then say your bringing my supposedly kids to me, I could feel my blood boil, hands turning red from me holding my fist together so tight, eyes watery and that’s when I just released that angry, I pulled knifes from the cabinet I just throw them towards the door, “what the fuck bro”, I opened the refrigerator and grabbed the pizza box and went upstairs to my room and slammed the door.

I was sitting there scrolling through my phone and my sister, deck and Chris know not to mess with me when I’m mad but AJ didn’t and that’s what made him see a side of me that only a few thousand know of, he blinked in and just stood there staring at me

“hey, you good”

“is there a reason why you’re here”

“yeah just wanted to check on you”

“but I told you to train the new guy, why aren’t you there”

“I put titan in charge to help him”

“but I told you”, I was getting even madder than I already was, “look my king, you know he can handle it and I obey everything you say but my job is to check on you and help you with things you need”

“I’m capable of doing things on my own, I’m not disabled”

“oh ok then guess I can go then”

“no wait, you can stay a little while and watch this movie with me”

“isn’t that against guidelines”

“I am king, aren’t I”

“yes you are”

“now shut up and come sit down”, he sat down next to me and he smelled like fresh blood, which was driving my senses crazy, “you gotta go”


“your sent”

“what about it”

“you smell like blood”

“yeah I had a quick bite before I got here, why is there a problem”

“yes I’m trying to stay away from blood”

“a vampire that tries to stay away from blood that’s going to be hard”

“yeah I know but I need you to go we can finish this later”

“ok that’s cool, talk to you later than call me or text me whatever”

“ok cool”. I just sat on my bed just thinking about everything and how I'm  to a father but I know damn well I wasn’t going to be a good father, I never even wanted kids and now I got to deal with two. I was getting a call but I ignored it and the same number kept recalling repeatedly through the night until I answered it, “hello”

“so you can’t answer your damn phone”

“no but who dis”

“your baby mama”

“don’t have kids”

“yeah the fuck you do, you stupid as bastard ”

“I remember using protection”

“well it broke, now I’m dropping them off tomorrow and I’m sending my oldest there with you”

“you not dropping some other dude kid off at my house”

“watch me”, she hang up and I just threw my phone and screamed and punched the lamp that was sitting on the side of my bed on the dresser. The three idiots walked in to my room knowing I hate the shit but they didn’t say anything they just laid on my bed watching this scary movie with me, I would usually kick them out or scream at them but I decided to just relax and see how good or bad tomorrow will be.

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