chapter 8

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I had two more classes to go and I didn’t really want to go, so I was just going to skip I wanted to find someone to be in a relationship with but everyone in this school is a hoe or taken, I was sitting there on my phone for 2 hours since English was one hour and Spanish took an hour. Shit was boring and depressing trying to find what to do, so before we leave I cleaned up the trays, food and shit off the floor and still had to go pick up my free animals, “kid stop”


”cause it’s my job to clean this whole school”, I was about to say something but the bell rang and interrupted me, we blinked to the cemetery and we started getting straight into it

“so rick what you got to show us”

“watch and see”, I touched my watch and picked the dinosaurs I wanted and the watch made a big realistic dinosaur.

“Omg, it’s so beautiful,  how many do you have”

“I.. have all of them but you three only have one”


“cause not all these dinosaurs are going to be used just one for each of us and I am technically the leader“. I spend two hours teaching them how to summon their dinos and teach them how to transfer their power into their dinosaur body.

I then went over the plan to the this  bank, it wasn’t a big bank but it was a good bank to start at. “now, let’s talk about this bank idea”

“right but let’s talk while we drive to the bank”


“but first I have to call a vampire meeting”

“ok”, I had to contact them in my head and call them to this location, us vampires have a way of singling other vampires without speaking or making a calling noise like animals or other creatures. They appeared and bend the knee to us but me especially, “alright I summoned you guys here because I wanted to make some things clear”

“my king why didn’t we have the meeting at your house or the castle”

“don’t question me”

“yes my king”

“now back to what I was saying feeding times are at night if you see a good meal feed and then bring the body to me, don’t just leave it in an ally or somewhere”

“so this means we don’t have to feed off rats anymore”

“that’s correct”

“but that’s killing a lot of people”

“well don’t drink all there blood just drink two Pipes, don’t go overboard”

“that makes more sense”

“yes, any question”, they all stood there staring at me but then the one that questioned me earlier raised his hand, “yes, sir”

“who made you king”, I laughed and walked over to where he was and grabbed him by his neck, “my father made me king and If you have a problem with it, I can break your neck right now”

“No I-I-I-I don’t have a problem, sir”

“good, meeting dismissed”, I dropped him and he shimmered out, now it was time to rob this bank, “Rick how are we going to do this”

“the same way everyone else does but better”

“so mask, gloves, bags and get away truck”

“yes except the last one, we can just vanish or shimmer out”

“good plan”

“and cover your tattoos, don’t have time to go to jail”, we appeared in an alley in front of the bank and we were just going to walk in and shot any guards standing there,

“yall ready”

“hell yeah”

“let’s get this money”, we put are mask on and just walked up, the two cops came out and told us to take our mask off, we looked at them then each other and then shot them both, we walked in the bank and deck and amber was the money collector’s and me and Chris was the ones who made sure the people stayed sitting, “everyone stay on the fucking ground and I’ll promise I won’t shot you, maybe”, I then look over and seen my brother laying on the ground, I wanted to shot him but I didn’t want to cause no panic even though it was already panic. Amber and deck was still collecting from the front and this little boy like 17 was on his phone

“aye kid give me your phone”


“don’t question me, give me the damn phone”

“just give him the phone martin” his father said, “no”, so of course me being me slapped him with the gun and took his phone, I held it to my ear and someone was crying,

“who the fuck is this”

“it’s his sister and I’m calling the cops”

“you might not want to do that”

“and if I do”

“your family will become animal food”

“what that makes no sense”

“if you call the police it will make sense”

“ok fine I won’t just don’t hurt them”

“if he try this shit again I’ll have no choice “, I hang up the phone and sat down in a chair waiting for amber and deck to come back from the vault. My brother started to look at me and I was praying he wasn’t going to say my name, ”Rick!?”, I ignored him like it wasn’t my name, Chris was staring at me waiting to see my reaction then the stupid dumb as nigga said my full name, “Rick-drew -underwood”, I walked over to him pulled him up and walked him to the back and throw him on the ground, “why the fuck did you say my full name”

“cause you ignored me the first time”

“for a fucking reason”, he sat there looking at me, “what the fuck is you looking at”

“what happened to you”

“ain’t nothing happened to me”

“then why one of your eyes blue and the other one is red”

“oh I don’t know maybe cause there Contact lenses”, “oh”

“yeah stupid just stay here”, amber gave me a bag and  I walked back out and shot into the air, “ok we are going to do this very easily, I want all the women and their kids to lineup at the door and please don’t try no dumb shit”

“why are we lining up”

“cause I’m about to shot all of you”, they started crying and their husbands started to yell at me saying shit like “no” and “stop”, I wasn’t going to kill them I just wanted to Joke around, “I’m kidding calm down, I’m going to give all of you mothers 500 dollars to keep your mouth closed about that name you heard”

“and what about us fathers”, the man said laying down

“I mean its either the 500 or nothing, take it or leave it your choice”

“we take it” all the mothers said, “but what if we do snitch your name”

“I can find you no time and then kill you and your family then take my 500 and anything else in your house, pretty simple ”, they all got quiet and I started handing the stacks out, “once you get your money grab your husbands or boyfriend’s or whatever and get the fuck out and I repeat do not say anything about my name or the 500”.

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