chapter 11

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I fall asleep listening to music blasting in my ears with deck, Chris and amber laying on my bed blocking the fan air from getting to me, somebody was snoring and it was loud as fuck so I got up and went to the bathroom and came back, grabbed my phone an seen I had a miss call and text from my dad, I read the text  “don’t act like you don’t see me calling you, answer your phone but today I need you to go down to the café and check to see if bobby is doing ok and not stressing”, I texted back saying why would he put an old as man who’s 38 in charge of a busy as café, he texted me right away saying, “shut the fuck up and just do it and 38 is not old ”, so of course I just said ok and woke the 3 idiots up and headed down to the café but first I left a sign on the door saying,

“come to the café on 120th street”, it was Hella early around 10am and I was not Tryna go down here, shit gets annoying every time they call me and not nobody else.

My dad had a lot of businesses from café to hotels to big business productions, my mother on the other hand was a nurse and she owned her own hair and salon shop, so they both really don’t take breaks, always busy and that’s exactly how I’m tryna be but every successful rich person started somewhere, right from the bottom even though I have rich parents I try not to beg them for money and shit like that because I feel like that makes me look weak since I’m 18 years old.

I unlocked the door to the café and went to go turn on all the lights, the two lazy bums laid down on the couch and my sister went to go clean the machines and start up the coffee pot and I started getting the tables, plates and forks/spoons ready for the customers to come in. This is usually Bertram and Bobby Job my dad put in charge to run this café but they always opening up to early or too late, we serve breakfast, lunch and dinner and is opened everyday 24 hours, I use to work here when I was 15 and 17, I hated it because I would get out of school most likely was in trouble and I was probably mad and I would get into an argument with the employees or the customers and they would call my dad up front and he would make me clean the bathrooms.

I woke the two idiot’s up and just in time cause some customers started to walk in and waited for my sister to show them their tables and take their orders, it was just us four, me and deck cooking and Chris and amber taking orders, sitting people and delivering orders and we were doing this for about 4 hours until the staff started to come in and we left out and one person was standing outside waiting for me

“here you go”

“you giving me grown as kids that can take care of themselves”

“ok and you Betta be glad they are grown or I would have been taking you down to get child support”, I just laughed and walked to my car with the twins and some other dude kid with me

“why do I have somebody else’s kid”

“cause I need a break from all things kids”

“he’s 19 and them two is 18 which you should have known”

“their not kids and they don’t need you to take care of them”, she walked away and I just left them with deck and Chris and just walked around to clear my head. They got in the car and I went to sign them up for the school I went too, it should be interesting to me, my kids, sister and my best friend all going to the same school, I think they might be in a lower grade than me or the same grade I don’t know I’ll find out once I sign them up and get to know all three of them better, yes I said three cause if I’m taking care of you I might as well call you my own . I drove us to the school, thank god I have a suv cause if I had a smaller car they would have been complaining the whole damn ride here, I parked the car and we walked into the building and since we had to go into the front office I had to see the principle and her annoying ass, “why are you guys late”

“we had to go take care of something for my dad and then my ex girlfriend who is also my baby mama dropped these kids off to me”

“alright I didn’t want to hear all that”

“but you ask”

“forget that why are you here”

“I want to sign them up for school”

“what grade”, “I don’t know”


“he’s 19 and them two is 16 I think”

“you think”

“that’s what I said”

“ok, can I get your names”

“I'm Tyler”

“19 year old right?”


“and what about you two”, “Jonas”, “rascal”

“ok and your both 16right?”


“ok thanks you, you start tomorrow and your schedule will be with you tomorrow, ok?”

“ok thanks”. We only had one class left so there was no point on going so we just went to chill in the gym, amber called Bella and rascal, Jonas and Tyler went to go play basketball with deck and Chris, I was sitting on the bleachers and someone that didn’t supposed to blink in public places came, “wassup boss”, “what the hell is you doing here”

“just checking on you”

“you just broke a rule, not blinking in public”

“but I sense nobody was here but you and seven other people that I recognize”

“yeah ok and what do you mean you recognize, you never seen them 3 kids”

“yeah, I saw two of them before, they were at the Christmas party your parents threw 4 years ago”

“so you telling me my parents knew I had 2 kids”

“yes that’s what I’m telling you, what’s weird is how you not know”, I just stared at him with this mean stare which people say is my normal face but I don’t believe them. “But aye I’m about to go back to training this newbie, he keep crying for his family”

“slap em, he’ll learn that’s he’s one of us now”. He left and I watched them play two games of basketball but I was getting bored of them playing basketball so I just went and walked around and seen this one dude who people make fun of cause he come to school stinking most of the time, he cute though but that smell is terrible I try not to judge people but sometimes I just can’t help it. I seen this nigga Bradley walked up to him and it look like he was asking for money, I walked over trying to hold my breathe but I am a vampire and my senses are stronger now, “aye wassup”,

“look who it is, the nigga that can’t text back”

“man Bradley you not ready for a relationship look at what you doing begging some dude for money”

“not begging he always give me money”

“no offense new dude but if you come to School smelling like that, that means you need the money so stop giving it away”, he put the money back in his packet and Bradley just looked at me and walked away

“what’s your name”


“well Corban its locker rooms downstairs plus soap/mans body wash go take you a shower and brush yo Teeth and I’ll bring you a pair of my clothes that’s in my locker”

“thanks, I appreciate it”

“your welcome”, he walked away and I just looked at him walk away, was looking good from the back.

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