chapter 7

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I went to the locker room and changed then went to go talk to my sister, “bruh what the fuck”

“rick calm down, what is your problem ”

“why the fuck would you ask that bitch out”,

“what are you talking about”

“ty said you asked him out”

“why the fuck would i do that”

“ I don’t know”

“ill curse him out later, i wouldn’t date him now, maybe later in life but not now”

“what you mean later in life”

“nothing come on let’s go to class but I am dating Marcus”,

“Marcus… basketball player”

“yes the only Marcus In our school”

my next class was history but i was going to skip because i knew we wasn’t going to do nothing in that class and i was going to be bored but the two fucking slow kids dragged me to class, we just sat there watching a independence day movie, it was cool but I wasn’t paying attention to busy texting the people around me. we sat their for a whole 40mins watching this boring movie taking notes but didn’t get to finish cause the bell rang and it was time for lunch,

“rick you ready for biology”

“naw, why”

“we get to try our powers out plus Bella’

‘oh damn i forgot it, just us three”

“yeah, where shawn at”

“Over there talking to Jordan and his sister”

“I can’t believe he’s 21”

“yeah 21 in the 12th grade”

“for real”

“rick try to listen to what they are saying”

“Ok, I'll try never did it before”

“duh, you got your powers yesterday, and you did try it when deck was in a trans”

“shut up you know what i meant and ohh yeah”, i shut everything thing else around me out and just focused on those two, “it’s a good thing they don’t know about us”

“hell yeah, they would have been killed me and told me to leave yall ”

“right”, so..this nigga shawn is working with the enemy i don’t like sneaky as people even though i am one but still, he walked back over to our table smiling like he just won a prize, “so what was you and Jordan talking about”


“your lying”

"what I got to lie for"

“I think I know when my “ex” best friend is lying and right now your lying and i also can hear your thoughts just one of my powers I learned”, I was sitting there listening to his thoughts but he wasn’t thinking anything until he said something in his mind, “damn I’m caught, hope they don’t know i go out with Jordan”, i looked at him and just laughed, “what is you laughing for”

‘nigga how long you been dating the newbie and did you travel for him or us”

“you want the truth or to lie”

“you a whole as bitch” I said angry standing up


“cause you dating someone that beat me up twice”

“and nigga how’s that my problem ”

“shawn you really don’t want to be on my bad side only 100 people been on that side and only 3 of them are alive”

“and were right here” deck and Chris said laughing

“bro I’m not scared of you”,

“right give me my watch”

“naw, I’m good”

“shawn don’t make me cause a scene in this cafeteria ”

“to late”, he got up and walked away from me to sit with Jordan them and that made me hit my boiling point, “shawn bring me my motherfucking watch”, doors started to close, the lights shout off as the room started to shake, “rick calm down”, i walked over sat on the table and held my hand out but he still didn’t give it to me so i grabbed him by his neck and snatched the watch off his arm, “you officially on my bad side ”

“is that a treat”, Jordan said

“Jordan i already threaten your family, yall got something coming to yall, something bigger then yourself”, the bell rang and it was time to go to  biology,

“Mr. Skippy finally came to class”

“only skipped once”

“ok but you will be working with Jordan”

“can i change my partner”

“no you can’t not unless you want to work with drake but he likes to work alone”

“I’m cool with drake”

“rick why you being like that”

“cause I dislike sneaky people”

“Ok whatever” but then I thought if I work by myself, I can try my powers out without getting caught, “aye, teach I'll work by myself”


“take the back seat beside your sister

“ok, bet”, i sat at the table beside amber since she was working with belle and the teacher passed different projects to different groups, i had to dissect a dead frog and my sister had to work with materials to see if they burn or not. I watched her first as she lit a flame with pressing the button, then i watched as she lit alcohol on fire without a lighter and just by using her finger but then she went into the trans. Belle knew about her powers and shit so it was cool but her hair and hands started to catch fire and belle hurried up and got a glass of water before anyone saw. I sat there laughing at her with my phone in my hand recording

“you fucking asshole I could have gotten caught”

“So they would have just said stop drop and roll”, she punched me in my shoulder telling me that it was my turn.

“hey belle you want a watch”

“Sure”, I threw her the watch as she quickly put it on, “ouch, it stabbed me,"

“that means its officially yours, alright my turn”,

I tried making the plants grow faster that was on the window sill, it worked of course then i tried bringing the frog back to life but it was taking longer than it was supposed too, i looked behind me and seen her animals staring at me then i started to hear them talk to me,

“why is this man staring at us”

“I’m so freaking hungry right now”

“this tank needs to be cleaned, it hasn't been clean in 5 days”

“MS. Grendel, your fish tank need to be cleaned and your snake needs to be fed”

“oh my god rick thanks for reminding me”

“your welcome”, it was almost time to leave and the frog was nowhere to be found until a girl was screaming, “it’s alive, it’s alive”, it was hoping and hoping until it jumped in the fish/turtle tank, it was a small tank so i don’t know how the fuck all them animals were living there

“hey, MS. Gendell, do you want me to take all of these animals off your hands since i can tell your stressing over them”

“oh my god rick thank you so much, how much”


“thank you, everyone thanks to rick you pass the project today and tomorrow ”, everyone started clapping and hugging me even though I hate being touched. I left out the room and it was almost time to leave cause i was ready to rob a bank with these new powers. She told me to come get them at the end of the day and she’ll have them ready.

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