Chapter 4- Sleep and Suffocation

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I want to put my tender heart in a blender. Watch it spin around into a beautiful oblivion.

Aaron/Yami's POV:
It's about noon, Mark will be here at 6pm, and I'm trilled, yet nervous. Maybe while he's here I can..... No, that can't happen. That can never happen, and it never will.
I know that today is a big day, but before I do anything, I need to clean up the fresh blood. I've been trying to quit, but this morning, I couldn't handle it. I awoke with the sudden realization that Mark will be here, with me, and now I'll have to be in the same room as him without crying.
But I can do it, hopefully. For him.
I'm suffocating in my own thoughts and I can't lie, and say that I'm not scared.

Marks POV:
I woke up today, happier than ever because about this time tomorrow, I'll be spending time with the one I love. Hopefully, I will have the courage to tell him this.
The nightmare I had a while back still, to this day haunts me. Aaron: with his scarred up and bloody arms, bandaged head, and tear soaked face. What did it all mean? Maybe i was just worried about him. But I still wonder if it meant anything.
I quickly send Yami a text that my flight leaves in twenty minutes as I'm sitting here in the airport. He replied faster than I thought he would.

Aaron- I'll pick you up when you land. Can't wait to see you again! :)

I can't wait either Yami...
As I was checking twitter, my flight was called and I boarded. It was just after 3 so I didn't plan on sleeping, but I guess that plan failed. Other than the embarrassing feeling of having the flight attendant wake me up, I don't remember much after boarding.

I walked through the unaccustomed airport looking for a familiar British friend of mine, and soon enough, my search was seized as I spotted him.
He was wearing brown Capri shorts and oddly enough, a long sleeve hoodie. Why was he wearing a hoodie? It's summer.
I shrugged it off and crept slowly towards my gullible crush. His body was facing away from me near the baggage claim so I decided to startle the lovable fool. Quietly I eased forward behind him and seconds before I could scare him, he turned fast and yelled, "Boo!"
I hollered at the start and fell backwards in the middle of the airport, as he stood over me laughing. I couldn't help but laugh as well, while he extended his arm to help me to my feet.
"I... Hate... You..." I joked in between breaths, still trying to catch mine.
"Well that sucks, you're stuck with me for a while." He teased back as we hugged. We embraced a lot longer than we probably should have but I didn't mind. Because of the previous scene, people were already staring.
Blushing, I let go and stood back to converse.
"I've missed you buddy, how are you?" I asked nervously to excuse the awkward pause.
"I've been better..." He replied looking at my bags. Realizing what I'd said, I quickly tried to change the topic.
"Uh, well let's go. I'm pretty jet lagged." I spoke anxiously, getting the attention of the dazed man. He nodded and began picking up one of my two suitcases.
"I got it Yami." I said staring into his eyes as I take the bag from him.
"Mark, I can carry that." He protested, while his cheeks were slowly being painted pink. Was he blushing? It is pretty hot in here, plus he's wearing a hoodie. I just shook it off and Aaron led me to his car.
When all of my luggage was in the trunk, I hopped into the car and waited for Aaron to do the same.
I do not remember much other than arriving, a short time later to Aaron's house.

Aaron/Yami's POV:
I wore a hoodie today because I didn't want Mark to see my cuts: he'd think too little of me. While awaiting the arrival of my handsome friend, I decided to play a little prank on him. I was standing in front of a window looking at the reflection trying to scare him, and I guess it worked.
We get into my car and he must have been fairly tired, due to that fact that he fell asleep shortly after we hit the highway. I gaze over to the man I painfully love, dreaming happily, and watching him made my chest hurt again. It appears that every time I talk to him, my chest hurts: I should probably see a doctor. We pull up to the house that Jess and I had once lived in harmony in and I turn to wake up the sleeping Mark. As I lean over to wake him, his eyes fluttered open just before I could place my hand on his shoulder. Smirking, he let the small space in between us extend, got out of the car and I followed, rosy cheeked and all. Once more, he wouldn't allow me to carry any bags, so I sighed and unlocked the door, leading him into my silent home.
"What do you want for dinner?" I asked, walking towards the kitchen while Mark entered the house and closed the door behind him.
"I don't mind, whatever you want is fine." He kindly noted as I looked down at the counter, in thought.
I haven't eaten in a while. Most of my food went bad, so I thew a lot of it out.
Sighing in discourage, and looking up from the marble surface, I asked, "do you want to just order pizza?"
He smiled and nodded, walking into the kitchen as I pulled my phone from my pocket.
When I did that, he tensed up oddly and I got a bit confused.
"Mark, are you okay?" I asked curiously.

Marks POV:
As I entered the kitchen, Aaron reached into his pocket exactly as he did in my nightmare. I guess I must have twitched because he got concerned.
"Mark, are you okay?" He asked in a distressed tone.
"Y-Yeah, sorry. Just a bit tired." I lied as I calmed my unsettled nerves and sat in a chair at the counter across from Aaron standing.
He walked away talking on the phone, presumably ordering the pizza. As my thoughts trailed off, I walked back into the living room, gazing at the movies on the bookshelf, thinking about the various plots in each. Squatting down to get a closer look, my friend hollered at me from down the hall, abruptly pulling me from my trance.
"What do you want on the pizza?" He called, startling me.
"You can add whatever, I don't care." I said, attempting to be genial.
Continuing to look at the movies, Aaron ended the call minutes later and entered the room once more.
"The pizza will be here soon." He stated in his somewhat seductive accent, in which I love. Just hearing him speak makes my heart skip.
I must have trailed off again because all I remember next was him flicking me in the back of the head to get my attention.
"Ow, meanie." I teased while making a playfully pouty face.
"What're you doing?" He asked, giggling and sitting down next to me in front of the movies.
"Just looking at your movies. I've never seen this one." I added, holding up an unfamiliar movie case.
"I love that movie!" He exclaimed while taking the movie from me and looking the case over, "we can watch it while we eat, if you want to."
"Sure! But where do you want me to put my stuff?" I asked, returning to an earlier thought.
"My room." He said, standing up and walking towards my luggage, "that's where you'll be staying."
"No, no, no," I argued as Aaron smirked at me, "that's your room. I'll sleep on the couch."
"It's fine, I'll stay on the couch. You're the guest Mark."
"Fine. Thank you." I replied as he led me to his room on the second floor.
"You put your stuff away and I'll go fetch us some drinks." He suggested as he walked out of the bedroom doorway.
"Okay thanks." I said, blushing at the sudden kindness.
Why am I blushing so much? I hope he doesn't notice...

Yay! 100 reads! (150+) Thank you guys so much!!
As you know this is my first long Markimash so I like feedback: good or bad. Please be honest about how it's going.
If you haven't yet, check out my Oneshot!

I'm currently also working on a new oneshot, (and by that I mean it's done but I'm polishing it off), so I'm a little distracted. Also, my laptop broke so I have to rewrite my next few chapters by memory, and my memory sucks so that's going to be FUN.
But again, thank you guys!

Question of the chapter:
What is the best part of the story so far?

Comment your response and I hope to see you, in the next chaper... Bye, bye!

With love and sleep deprivation,

Nightmares Map Reality (Markimash) [#Wattys2015]Where stories live. Discover now