Epilouge- Control

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Aaron's POV:
Life for me is a dream.

Mark loves me and we are as happy as we could be.
We told our fans about a year later and they were mostly accepting. Our friends were overjoyed with our news and our families were as well.
We have been dating for almost two years now and I couldn't be more thrilled. For our second year anniversary, Mark has planned something "special" but I hope it's more romantic then the last surprise. I couldn't walk straight for days.

I haven't had a nightmare in a while and to my knowledge, Mark hasn't either. But I still wonder what goes on in that dorky head of his.

Mark's POV:
For our second year anniversary, I have it all planned out.
Stroll to the park down the road, hand in hand. Have a nice picnic during the sunset and as the grayish luminescent glow of the moon danced in the eyes of the one I love, take the leather box out from behind my back and ask Aaron to me mine forever.

"Mark?" Aaron asked as I sleepily raised an eyebrow in response.
"Yeah?" I sighed, sitting up from the soft, blue blanket cascading over the cold grass below it.
The sweet melody of chirping birds filled my ears while in the distance, an orange ball slowly fell behind the horizon, only to return again in due time.
"What did you have to say?"
"Oh, um..." I said, beads of sweat gathered above my brows and my cheeks grew red while I pulled the small box out of my pocket. Aaron was perched up on his elbow, staring with contempt.
"Aaron," I began, not recognizing my own voice, "I don't love you."
That's not what I said, those words never left my lips.
"I never loved you."
My mouth is moving but my own voice isn't produced.
"Nobody loves you."
I would never say that, I never did.

By the look on his solemn countenance, the words cut deep. Deeper than any blade already has.
My hand covered my mouth as I look down at the box in my other. Opening it fast, I reveal a crimson colored blade.
"What's this?" I thought aloud, relieved to hear my own voice.
"Aaron, I didn't say that, you have to believe me!" I said, confused and pleading for his forgiveness.
He was silent for a second then spoke in a voice unfamiliar, even to me.
"Mark?" He asked, monotone and deep: unlike him.
"Yeah?" I asked, curious and urging him to continue.
"MARK?" Aaron sang, raising his hands and clasping hard to my shoulders.
"What, Aaron? What?"

"Mark!" He yelled, pulling me from my daze to see my boyfriend shaking me in the evening glow.
"What happened?" I asked, sitting up from the blanket we had both previously been lying on.
"You fell asleep after you ate," he laughed, kissing my forehead, "what did you want to ask me?"
The pink pastel on my face grew brighter as I pulled the small box from my pocket, confident that it held the ring.

My nightmares have controlled me in the past but not anymore. I will make my own future, not rely on my delusional imagination.

"Aaron, I just," I began, fondling the leather container with my thumbs as Aaron sat up beside me, awaiting me to continue, "I love you so much and I wanted to ask you... Will you marry me?"
I opened the box, trembling, to divulge a silver band. It's reflection danced in the glossy eyes of the one I dearly loved.
"Mark I-" he said, "of course!"
He tackled and straddled over me, giggling. His smile could've melted glaciers because it always melted my heart.

"You know," he began, seductively, his lips inches from mine. Over his shoulder I could see the moon rising above us, "I had a dream about this."
"Oh, really?" I asked, leaning up to my beautiful groom-to-be, kissing him passionately.

His lips were soft and warm: nothing like my dream.

And there you have it! *wipes eyes*
If you guys truly remembered a lot of details, you should've recognized some quotes from other chapters.
Sorry there was such a long time skip, but I like these types of endings. And also sorry if the ending sucked.

Thank you to those who voted, commented, and put this story in your library! I love you all and thank you for reading.
I am going to start a new story soon called "Time Dancer," and if you want a sneak peak of the description message me and I will gladly oblige. Of course it's Markimash!
Also I have a book of Markimash oneshots on my profile so go check it out. New ones go up every week!
Thanks again!

~Love, Red

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