Chapter 5- Serene Dreams

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Let's waste time chasing cars around our heads.

Aaron/Yami's POV:
I walk downstairs to get Mark and I sodas out of the fridge: the warm carpet being replaced by cool wooden planks under my bare feet, and I jump at the start of the door bell ringing. I open the door and retrieved the pizza I had recently ordered, paid, and placed it on the counter.
Merely seconds later Mark stammered down the stairs like a lion chasing a gazelle. Handing him a cold soda from the fridge, I turn to look at the clock on the stove.
"Wow, it's already 8?!" Mark asked sounding genuinely surprised.
I chuckled as I pulled the tab on my soda and took a sip.
"I guess time did fly.." I joked.
"Yeah... So d-do you wanna watch that movie now?" Mark nervously asked as he opened the pizza box to examine the food.
"Yeah, of course!" I exclaimed, picking up the box and walking towards the living room as Mark followed.
I sat the box on the coffee table and squatted, putting the movie in the DVD player on the tv stand. Mark sat down on the couch quietly and opened the box to retrieve a slice: hesitating at first, but continuing anyways.

Marks POV:
I'm so tired but I want to spend time with Yami...
Aaron is bent over placing the disk on the tray as I just bite my lip and reach for a pizza slice. I was hesitant because I didn't want to make any messes but continued being very careful.
Once the disk was in, Yami sat near me on the L shaped couch, in the corner of the L. I was sitting on the short side of the couch but had my legs on the coffee table, cautious not to disrupt the food. Yami imitated, but with his legs on the other side of the couch, rather than the table.
"This is a horror movie right?" I asked still perplexed, reaching my arm back for the light switch.
"Well duh." He chuckled.
"Okay, just wondering."
My hand found the switch behind me on the wall and my index finger flicked it. The room was pitch black other than the dim light that the tv produced before the title screen came on. I could tell by the main menu that it would be a good movie so I lied back on the couch while Aaron pushed play.

Yami/Aaron's POV:
It was a little over halfway through the movie and Mark seemed really tired. He yawned every once in a while and kept dozing off.
By this time, him and I were sitting right next to each other in the corner of the couch. I guess we kept moving towards one another every time we tried to get comfortable and I'm not complaining. He's so close I can smell him and his manly musk gives me goosebumps. My eyelids too were getting heavy: I felt them fall once or twice but managed to stay awake. All of a sudden, as I was watching the movie and I feel something on my shoulder. I turn my head to the side only to reveal that Mark had fallen asleep on me. My face turns beat red as Mark breathes slowly into my arm. I was close to waking him but decide to let him sleep in peace.
When the movie ended, not more than ten minutes later, I turned off the tv and sat in udder silence.
Listening to the sound of Mark sleep and the pounding of my heart, I lean my head against Mark's and drifted off into deep sleep. The best sleep I'd had in years: even better than when Jess was here.

I wish this could be how it was every night...

Yes, a very typical Markimash scene but, notice how it's all nice and serene? Just remember that....
{Big twist in next chapter}
Also, I don't know what type of couch Aaron has so I winged it.
Last question:
What is your favorite part of the story so far?

apollo22500 The best part of the story so far is Mark and Yami seeing each other and hugging too long! I just love it when they hug too long!
{People can never hug TOO long, especially if they're Mark and Yami}

InnasaurXD ALL OF IT! But i wish Yami wouldn't do that......BUT STILL ALL OF IT!
{Love the ENTHUSIASM, and thank you!}

Question of this chapter:
If you could have one superpower what would it be?

Comment your response and I hope to see you, in the next chapter... Bye, bye

With love and sleep deprivation,

Nightmares Map Reality (Markimash) [#Wattys2015]Where stories live. Discover now