Chapter 8- After the Storm, Before the Hurricane

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You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.

Questions filled my mind as I heard a faint sob.
I turned around and the two corpses that were previously there were missing. Confused, I seized crying and could make out the mysterious voice say my name.
"Hello?!" I yelled, hoping for some relief of the insanity I'd witnessed. Then everything went white.

Back to story::
I couldn't speak nor move, but only stand in silence as my blurry vision could make out a hospital room. I was standing in the corner, observing a man in bed, with another man weeping at the bedside. The bawling man looked up and at the man lying in bed with love: the crying man was Mark. The man in the bed and gown, looking thin, unhealthy, and lifeless was .... Me?

What's going on? How could I see this? This has to be a dream.

"Yami...." I heard Mark say loud, as If he were whispering into my ear, "Yami, if you wake up..." He trailed off once more to sob.
When his weeping slowed, he spoke once more, and clearer.
"Yami, if you wake up, I will tell you how I feel, how I've always felt. I will tell you that I love you every chance I get, even if you don't love me back because if you survive that's all I'd need. I promise."
Hearing this, my heart pounded to the rhythm of the machine next to the man in the bed.
"Yami, I-" he tried to speak but stood up fast, glaring down at his hand, intertwined with the man in the bed's. He looked scared, and thrilled, as if he'd seen a ghost.
"Aaron, I just hope you can hear me." He finished, sitting down once more.

Mark I can.... I hear you loud and clear. I love you...

It went black once again.

Marks POV:
I was crying as always, and speaking to Aaron but I felt as if I was being watched. I was mid sentence when I could have sworn I felt his hand clench mine but I could've imagined it. I've been in this room taking to a shell of a man: one of which his capability of hearing is unknown for a week now, so I feel like I'm going crazy.

I would do anything to hold you, Aaron: to love you.

I meant what I said: even if he doesn't love me back I will be okay. Sure, I'd be crushed about it but he'd be alive, and that would be enough.
I sat down after going to the rest room and was greeted by the doctor.
"Sir, it seems that your friend's chances of living has dropped down to ten percent, he might not make it through the night." He spoke softly but avoiding eye contact. I could feel myself beginning to cry again as the doctor patted my shoulder and walked out of the room.
I fell to the floor and cried into my knees as I wrapped my arms around them, pulling them to my chest.
I can't live without him...

"Aaron, wake up." I pleaded, "please."

*Time Skip* (later that night)

Aaron/Yami's POV:
After it went black, I was left with only my thoughts and the sound of the one whom I painfully love talking to me. He spoke all the time, when he wasn't crying.

"Yam- Aaron," he struggled to say my nickname, "they say you may not make it through the night."

What? Where am I anyways? I thought that this was just a dream, I don't remember what happened, did I get injured? I may die?

"Aaron, if you don't make it, I don't think I can." Mark sobbed as if he'd lost all faith.

No, Mark you can't! I can't speak, what happened?

The blackness soon turned into blurry vision. I could feel my eyes squinting as I looked at the surroundings while keeping my head still.

Is this another dream?

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