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I got ready along with Jaden. "Who's gonna be there?" Jaden asked applying her mascara.

"Some guys named Jack and Cameron" I answered her while trying to find my phone.

"Ok. Well should we bring anything?"

"No" I answered and stuck my phone in my purse.


We pulled up to the large house, and I could here quite a bit of noise coming from the house. I walked up to the door, and knocked. Jaden pushes past me and walks right through the door.

I follow her, and see Nash and another guy playing fifa I think. Nash saw me and paused the game. "Hey Reili! This is my friend Jack Gilinsky" he pointed to a god like guy. He had unimaginable eyebrows and one amazing jaw line.

"Hey Reili" Jack, said waving at me and smiling.

"This is Cameron, my best friend!!!" He said screaming. I looked over to the finely tanned hottie.

"Hi! So you're the one he keeps talking about!" Cam said making me blush, and the other guys laugh.

"Oh, and this is Jack Johnson" He said pointing to a guy editing and cycling through music.

"Hey" he said clearly concentrated on the music.

"What you working on?" I asked sitting down by Johnson.

"Jack and I recorded a song, and I'm trying to remix it." He said occasionally looking up at me. I looked up and Jaden and Cameron were cooking food, well Jaden was trying.

"Cool, can I hear it so far?" I asked him sweetly.

"Sure" He said clicking in and out of multiple tabs and pages. Suddenly a techno song starts to play and it had a good feel to it.

"Oh my god!" I screamed. "I love it" I said shaking him. He laughed and looked over to Gilinsky.

"She likes it" Johnson said laughing.

"Which one, cheat codes?" Johnson replied with a mhm.

Caught Between Two Lies// FAN STORYWhere stories live. Discover now