A distant memory

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A/N: Hey everyone I'm finally back and I hope you enjoy what awaits you


[Y/N] pov:

W-what happened..Everything is so..hazy.. I open my eyes to look ahead of me and all I see is clouds of darkness. What the hell is going on!?  I turn around and only to see a familiar face,  mom!? I try to reach out to grab her but she disappears into smoke, I look behind me to see if I could find out where she disappeared to, but all of a suddenly I'm in a garden, to be exact I'm now in the Sakamaki brothers garden. What the actual hell is going on here..? I start to look around to see if I could find any clues on if I was just dreaming or if this was reality, sure enough, I had to be dreaming. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw my mother, in front of me, alive. But she died, she can't be here. Time seemed to stop as I stared at her, I didn't understand what was happening to me.

"[y/n]! Where did you run off to this time?" She called out, 'I'm right in fro-' 

"I'm here mommy!" A young me popped out of a bush with leaves all stuck in my hair. "Shush [y/n]!" A young ayato popped out beside me, "Kanato can't find us or he'll find his bear too! Or did you forget again?" Ayato then meets my moms gaze, "Oh! Sorry ma'am!" He bowed his head and all my mom did was stare back for a second. "It's alright ayato, but you shouldn't be taking your brothers things, especially if you don't want them do to it to you," she gave a disappointed sigh, "Me and [y/n] have to get going."  "But mommy!" "No, butts miss thing we have an appointment remember?" "Yes ma'am.." I came out of the bushes and so did Ayato, we hugged each other goodbye.

 An ear-piercing screech goes in and out of my ears. 

"Fuck!" I fall down onto the ground holding my ears in pain wishing the screeching would stop and suddenly it did. I opened my eyes only to be in front of a strange man I've never seen before in my life. Young me was on a table, unconscious, my mother standing beside the man in tears.

"Are you sure you want me to do this? Once it's done it can not be undone, her memories will be lost." He looked at her, she looked so upset, tears were falling down her face. "It has to be done, this is the only way to protect her, if Richter finds me at least then I'll know my little girl is safe even if it costs her from remembering her best friends.." The room went quite. At this point I was pissed because I still didn't understand why she couldn't just tell me. "Alright then..I'll proceed." The man walks up to younger me to start erasing my memory, but I wake up, "Mommy.. I love you.. Please... If you do this, tell Ayato and everyone I love them.." He knocked me back out and started to preform the spell, then, everything turns black.

Suddenly I'm back in my childhood home, there's a loud crashing noise. "No! Not again!" I run downstairs only to see Richter holding my mother up in the air by her throat, This is the only part I could remember and there was nothing I could do, in the end I couldn't have saved her. The screeching hit me again but this time ten times worse, I started to scream in agony until I shot straight up. I was back. Richter was no where to be seen, but Ayato was right beside me and I was now in a bed, a bed that was in the mansion. 

"Ayato!" I fell onto him crying, "Please, please tell me everything I just saw was a dream and not real!" I couldn't see his eyes, but I could tell he was bothered by something, "You have your memories back don't you..?" My face turned pale, "So it's all true..what how did you know?" "My uncle for one, I walked in on him above you about to kill you, it's why we came back to the mansion instead, that..along with the fact your fangs are back.." "What!?" I screamed which made everyone run in, "Yeah..You're half vampire and half human, did your mom never tell you? Did you never experience anything?" He stared daggers at me, in fact everyone did. "No, her mom never told her, which is why [y/n] constantly went to appointments to suppress any vampire urges she may get that way she could continue on with her human life." Reiji spoke up and walked closer, "I only found out two years after you had disappeared, mom told me." "Reiji you bastard!" Ayato yelled and was about to get up and swing, but I stopped him, "Ayato, its okay, really." 

To be continued


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2023 ⏰

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