Will you do me the honor?

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It has been two months since what happened between you and Ayato. The night you both had sex. You told Ayato you where pregnant and he was so happy, but you weren't. You didn't want to raise your unborn child in a hotel. Little did you know what was instore.

I rolled over on my side, my eyes fluttering open only to see Ayato not there. "Where is Ayato going so early..? Is he...No....He'd never cheat right..?" I run my fingers through my hair. Ever since I told Ayato I was pregnant he was never here when I woke up. I thought to myself, only to be snapped out of it by Ayato walking in through the door.

"Ayato we need to talk." My voice was shaking. "It can wait, I need to do something first." He took my hand in him leading me to the car. I didn't speak to him. He got in and drove somewhere. I don't know what was going on, the ride felt like hours and hours. Soon enough we got to our destination. "[Y/N] we are here." Ayato spoke. I got out and Ayato followed. He gripped his hand in my taking me to the back of a mansion. Oh God...Is Ayato going to kill me?! Thoughts rushed through my mind as we stopped in a garden. It had the most beautiful flowers I had ever seen! Animals approached out from the woods, types I've never seen! Then people came out...I didn't pay attention to them, just Ayato and his movements.

"[Y/N].." Ayato spoke calmly

"I know we've been through so much lately, having my family going after you, moving into a crummy hotel..but..I love you [y/n]. The day I laid my eyes on you I fell for you. I wanted to protect you. To make you happy..."

You felt tears in your eyes as Ayato stopped for a short moment.

"[Y/n] [L/n] I don't want any other girl, you are the only one I want. I want to stay by your side, forever and raise our child together. I want to have a whole family with you. I love you."

Ayato bent down kissing my stomach before getting on his knees. Tears fell from my face. I realized why people are here. I was so happy!

Ayato pulled out a small box and took out a ring. "[Y/N] [l/n] will you do me the extremely great honor of becoming [y/n] Sakamaki and marrying me?"

"Yes, yes ayato! A thound times yes!" He puts the ring on my finger and when he stands up I hug him tight. He wipes away my tears and kisses me gently. When we pull away I have a big smile on my face.

"Also [y/n] this manson is our new home." Ayato smiled warmly at me an I just hugged him again.

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