Dinner Next Door

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They had just finished unpacking their apartment when 5 o'clock rolled around.

"Hey, c'm'ere" Mick said, sitting on the sofa. He pointed at the space on the floor in front of him, holding a hairbrush and some hairspray.

Nikki easily complied and sat there patiently. He loved having his hair brushed. It felt incredible when Mick did it the first time. Mick taught him everything. Brushing his hair, washing his hair, Mick even dyed his hair for fun, and he let Nikki dye his hair too.

"Gonna have to touch up these roots kid" Mick said, continuing to brush out a few knots.

Mick shook the bottle of hairspray and started to puff up Nikki's hair.

"Go get changed" Mick said, finishing up Nikki's hair.

Nikki nodded and got up and went to their now-shared bedroom. He ended up wearing a blue Seattle football hoodie and some black jeans with his old boots.

"Really? That's what you've decided?" Mick asked.

"They're clean!" Nikki said, giggling. "I like football, be quiet"

"Yeah yeah..." Mick said.

By the time they got ready, it was time to go next door.

"Rock, paper, scissors on who knocks on the door?" Nikki asked.

"You don't even know how to play it right" Mick quipped.

"Coin flip?"

"You can't do that right either... just knock on the door" Mick said, before leaving their apartment.

Nikki huffed as they walked the few feet to Vince and Tommy's apartment. As soon as Nikki's knuckles were about to touch the door, it flung open, almost causing him to hit someone in the forehead. He was met face to face with who he assumed was Tommy. Nikki backed away from the door and stood behind Mick.

"Vinnie! They're here!" Tommy shouted through the apartment. "Come in!" He said, moving out of the way. Vince came from around the corner.

"Tommy, this is Nikki and Mick" Vince introduced them.

"Nikki, and Mick" he said out loud, but it came out more like 'Neekki' and Meek'.

"The accents's still a little heavy" Vince said, referring to Tommy's heavy Greek accent.

"I can say most things!" Tommy said proudly.

"What's Greek for' Tom, your food's burning?" Vince asked, sniffing.

"To fagitó sou kaígeta, ah fuck!" Tommy said worriedly, as he ran off to the kitchen. "I got it!" He shouted.

"Cmon, sit down" Vince said.

Nikki and Mick followed Vince over into their dining area and sat across from him. Nikki sat closer to Mick than he usually would, but he's skittish around new people.

"Thank you again for inviting us over" Nikki said.

He might steal from hookers, but at least he has manners.

"We love having people over" Tommy said, putting the food down, and dishing up plates. "Vinnie drove away our last neighbors"

"Dude! No I didn't" Vince said.

"They filed a noise complaint, Vinnie"

"As if you're not loud either. You're lucky nobody lives below us, with the way you stomp around with those huge monster feet" he quipped. He looked at Mick and Nikki out of the corner of his eye, then faced them fully. "I'm sorry if we're a lot to get used to" he blushed slightly.

"We're a lot to get used to" Mick said quietly.

"I highly doubt that-Tommy, would you sit down?" Vince said.

"Im looking for something!" He said, his head stuck in the fridge.

"The fuck you lookin for now?"

"The fucks I give" Tommy said, still rummaging around.

"You said it right this time... well done" Vince muttered. "Sit down" He said, pointing to the empty chair.

Tommy huffed and sat down.

Dinner went smoother than Nikki and Mick would've thought. They weren't expecting them to be such warm and welcoming people.

Nikki was currently helping Tommy clean the dishes, both laughing about something while Vince and Mick were in the living room chatting.

"Nikki likes cooking when he can" Mick said, he smiled as he watched them in the kitchen. "He bought a couple small pans and a portable stove. He's crafty"

"Maybe Tommy could teach him a few things, he loves trying to teach me new things" Vince said.

"He'd like that" Mick said. "I... I probably treat him like a kid too much..." Mick said. "He's shy and skittish, and it's my fault..." he looked down.

"Were you able to keep him safe?" Vince asked.

Mick just nodded, he sighed.

"Then you did the right thing. He'll come out of his shell soon" Vince assured.

"Thanks, Vin" Mick said. "Dinner was really great, thank you for having us over. Maybe when Nikki gets a handle on things, maybe you guys could come over"

"That would be fun," Vince said.

Nikki was curled up under a shared blanket with Mick. Wrapped around his legs like a koala, and using his ankles as a pillow.

"Proud of you, Nik," Mick whispered. "M sorry if I treat you like a kid... I just need to keep you safe"

He felt Nikki's arms tighten around his legs.

"What did you think of Tommy?" He asked.

"He's nice... I like the accent" Nikki said. "I like how he says our names"

"Vince said he's Greek" Mick said. He absentmindedly stroked Nikki's calf.

Nikki hummed and sighed again.

"You okay?" Mick asked.

"Yeah... tired" Nikki nuzzled his face against the bend of Mick's ankles.

"Go to sleep, Nikki, I'm here. We're safe" Mick whispered. "I've got you... I'm here"

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