Punched in the Teeth

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It took all of what Vince had to get out of bed. So he didn't. Mick didn't care. He took care of Vince in every way he could. They laid in the darkness of Mick's bedroom, in the warmth of each other's arms.

"Do you wanna try doing something today?" Mick asked, hushed.

Vince sighed deeply, nuzzling himself further into Mick's arms. Mick kissed the top of Vince's head.

"Yeah... do we still have popcorn?" Vince asked.

"We do" Mick said.

"Can we watch some movies today?" Vince asked, moving his head a bit so he could look at Mick.

"Sure. You hungry enough for lunch?" Mick asked.

"Think so..." Vince said quietly.

"Good... you haven't eaten in a couple days now" Mick said. He peppered more kisses on Vince's head.

"Neither have you... how have you been doing? You've been fussin all over me" Vince asked.

"Been worried about you..." Mick said quietly. "I just need you to be alright" he took a sharp breath.

His back was on fucking fire, and his head felt like it was going to explode from how intense his headache was.

"Honey... tell me what I can get you, what can I do for you?" Vince asked. He leaned up and cupped Mick's face, only now realizing how pale he was and how tired he looked. "Sweetheart..." he touched his forehead to Mick's. "Baby... tell me what's wrong, what hurts?"

"Everything..." Mick said hoarsely. "But I'm okay" he shrugged.

"Baby... I love you, but this whole 'taking care of each other', goes both ways" Vince said endearingly. "You gotta let me do somethin" he whispered.

"I love you, you don't gotta do anything, just lay here with me, I promise, I'll be okay" Mick pulled Vince into him.

He rubbed Vince's back and shoulders, keeping their bodies flush with each other. Vince felt him twitch, flexing and relaxing his muscles as his back ached.

"Baby, cmon, you're scaring me a bit here" Vince urged. "What can I give you?" He asked.

"No, don't give me anything" Mick's voice sounded raspy. "Just... the one with the yellow cap is for my back... just hand me one of those" he whispered. "Dump everything else, I need you to get rid of it all" he whispered.

Vince nodded and quickly grabbed the bottle with the yellow lid. He put a small pill in Mick's hand and watched him take it dry.

"Please... just get rid of everything else" Mick whispered.

"Okay baby... I will, I love you... are you gonna be okay?" Vince asked worriedly.

"Yeah... yeah, I'll be okay" Mick assured. He took Vince's hand in his and kissed his palm.

Vince leaned and kissed Mick softly before getting off the bed. Mick watched as Vince picked up every drug bag and pill bottle he could find. Mick weakly pointed at all his hiding spots around his room until Vince found at least 15 bottles of pills, several bags of heroin and dirty needles, and a couple bags of cocaine. He left the room to flush it all down the drain.

"Thank you" Mick said hoarsely. "I think I'm gonna pass out..."

Mick's body fell rather limp and he drowned out all the noise. He almost missed Vince's panicked voice above him.

"S'okay baby... s'okay, I'm here... I'm here..." Vince whispered. He caressed Mick's face gently as he laid there nearly unconscious.

Vince looked around the room for moment. He let out a sigh though his lips. He got up and left the room for a bit, returning about twenty minutes later with something for lunch, his laptop, and a bowl of popcorn. He shot himself in the foot a bit when he started watching one of his daughter's favorite movie. She loved princess movies, and Vince loved them too. He felt Mick twitch next to him, he peppered kisses on Mick's face and shoulder, trying to encourage something. He weaseled his way under Mick's arm and threw one of his legs over Mick's.

"I love you, I know you're gonna be alright" Vince whispered.

Mick felt Vince curl up next to him. He slowly and shakily wrapped his arm around Vince's shoulder and dug his hand in Vince's hair. He weakly caressed Vince's face with his other hand.

"I love you" he whispered. "Th-thank you. Hey hon?"

"Yeah baby?" Vince leaned up a little to hover over Mick.

"Can you check on Nikki and Tom?" Mick shifted and hissed in paid.

"Sure thing baby" Vince pecked Mick's lips gently and lightly.

He picked up his phone and dialed Tommy's number. He frowned when there was no answer, then he tried Nikki's, and still no answer.

"I'm sure they're okay" Mick assured. He rubbed his hand against Vince's lower back.

"You're not worried?" Vince asked, playing with the ends of Mick's hair.

"I'm always worried, but, would hate to interrupt their shenanigans" Mick chuckled. He let out a few heavy breaths.

"You scared me for a minute" Vince said quietly, he brushed some hair off Mick's face.

"M sorry" Mick whispered. "Just wanna be better for you"

His eyes fluttered shut at Vince pressed their foreheads together.

"Baby... don't bend over backwards just for me," Vince said softly. "Take your time with this, I'll take care of you" he brushed his lips against Mick's.

"I can't bend over backwards, or forwards" Mick joked. "But" he chuffed. "I'm supposed to be taking care of you"

"Well... you can certainly bend me over whichever way you want" Vince winked.

"In due time" Mick winked back. He rubbed Vince's waist.

"God not if you wink at me again, don't do that" Vince blushed and hid his face in Mick's neck. "How're you feeling?"

"Better" Mick said.

"Good" Vince kissed under Mick's jaw and traced circles on his chest.

"Sorry I was out so long... what did you watch earlier?" Mick asked.

"Ahm..." Vince's heart fluttered with embarrassment. "Nothing, maybe you were dreaming" he suppressed a giggle.

"Uh huh... I do have ears" Mick teased. He dragged his fingers tips up and down Vince's spine. "I heard you giggle"

"Oh come on! You did not" muttered.

"Hon, you've been giggling at things for the past four hours," Mick chuckled. "What were you watching?"

"Princess movies!" Vince blurted.

"Thought so"

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