Starry Eyes

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"So... who were those guys?" Mick asked.

"Hollywood Rose" Vince said. "Singer's an asshole"

Mick hummed in response. Vince yawned again.

"You should really go get some rest, Vin" Mick said.

"Are you tired?" Vince asked.

"No" Mick shrugged.

"Then I'll stay up with you" Vince

"You're stubborn" Mick chuckled softly.

"Oh honey you don't know the half of it" Vince laughed. "Anyways... so... how long have you been playing guitar?" He asked.

"Since I was a kid I guess, teens, y'know" Mick replied. He picked a familiar tune.

"You're... amazing at it" Vince said truthfully, blushing.

"Yeah... look where it got me" he shrugged. He continued plucking.
"You're just sayin that... but thanks" Mick said.

"No like... I mean it, you're amazing" Vince said. "Wish I could play like that... never could though" he sighed.

"You wanna learn?" Mick asked.

"I dunno, don't think I'd be any good" Vince said, looking at his hands. "Is it true that you get all cut up and stuff?" He asked.

Mick didn't say anything, but held out his own hands. He hesitantly took one of Vince's, letting him feel the built up calluses and scars from cutting his hands on guitar strings. Mick's nails were all painted and chipped, and Vince's were longer and neat. Mick's finger's we're slender and boyish while Vince's hands were a little bigger. Mick also had a hand tattoo.

"Did that hurt?" Vince asked, tracing a finger over the scorpion tattoo.

"Eh a little, but, do you have any?"

"A few" Vince said. He pulled the blanket off his shoulders and exposed a few old-school styled tattoos. He pulled the blanket back over his shoulders and shivered.

Mick shrugged off his leather jacket, and handed it over to Vince. Vince went to protest when Mick cut him off.

"You're cold, if you won't go inside, at least wear it." He urged.

Vince blushed and let Mick help him slip the jacket on. He shyly cuddled up in it, it smelled like cigarettes and rain, which was oddly comforting. He leaned against Mick and put his head on his shoulder.

"Oh god, who're they?" Mick asked under his breath. He looked at a different group of guys walking down the walkway.

"Oh fuck, maybe we should go inside..." Vince said. Mick could hear the fear laced in Vince's words.

"Oh fuck..." Mick said, suddenly recognizing them. "Nikki fucked and stole from their girlfriends" he said under his breath. He grabbed his guitar.

"Which one?" Vince asked, getting up and holding his hands out for Mick to grab.

"All of them, the tall fucker too. Him and his girl" Mick said.

He let Vince pull him off the ground and he basically pushed Vince into his apartment, closing the door quietly, and leaned against it. Vince was still leaning against Mick, who now had his arms wrapped around his waist, keeping him close. His demeanor faulted a bit and once he was about to let Vince go, Vince rested his arms on Mick's shoulders.

"Do you dance?" Vince asked.

"Do I dance?" Mick repeated

"Yeah sugar, you dance?"

"No... I don't dance," Mick said quietly.

"Dance with me" Vince said.

The two were practically pressed up against each other against Mick's front door.

"But there's no-" Mick started to say, he cut himself off when he heard piano come from next door.

"Tommy gets restless at night and plays, he must've noticed I wasn't there, so he's not playing with headphones." Vince said, shrugging a bit. "Dance with me sugar" he said, leaning into Mick a bit.

"But I don't-" Mick shrugged.

"Know how?" Vince asked. "Have you... been asked to dance before?"

"I... was too busy getting the shit beat out of me so... no, not really" Mick chuckled humorlessly.

His eyes started clouding over as he hung his head low.

"I didn't even dance at my own wedding" Mick said. Vince's eyes widened a little. "She just wanted to drain my bank account, throw me down the stairs, and... I thought I was-was gonna die when I divorced her"
Mick's voice cracked. "I thought she loved me" he whispered. "I thought-" tears fell down Mick's face. "We were only married a month"

Vince felt his heart break. He stood closer to Mick and tucked Mick's head into the crook of his neck, letting him cry as long as he wanted.

"M here for you, I got you... I got you"

Mick's cries quieted down a bit. Tommy's playing could still be heard in the apartment.

"Why don't we sit down?" Vince asked.

"M such a mess, I'm sorry" Mick whispered. He followed Vince over to the couch and sat down.

"Hey it's okay" Vince said. He brushed a stray hair off Mick's face. "It's okay"

Creaking came from down the hallway. Both Vince and Mick looked over the sofa to see Nikki yawning and stretching.

"Hey Sixx" Mick said. "C'm'ere" he patted the empty space next to him.

"Where's the music comin-you're..." Nikki cut himself off. He brushed a stray tear off Mick's cheek.

"I'm okay, Nik. Tommy's playing music next door"

"Like actually...?" Nikki made a goofy piano-finger hand gesture, making both Mick and Vince chuckle.

"Yeah actually" Mick said, mimicking Nikki's movement.

"You can go over, if you want, Tommy would appreciate your company" Vince offered.

"You sure?" Nikki said. He flicked his eyes between Mick and Vince.

"Course dude! Door is open, just walk in, Tommy probably won't hear you knock" Vince said.

Nikki looked at Mick.

"You can go, you'll have a nice time" Mick said. He squeezed Nikki's hand, and urged him to go over.

"I was thinking of... working today, if that's okay with you" Nikki said, standing up. Mick sighed.

"Please be careful... and I want you walking that way, not that way" Mick said, gesturing walking left from their apartment, not right. "Go have fun" he waved Nikki off.

Nikki slipped some shoes on and out the door, closing it quietly behind him.

"Tommy will like to have someone around that he can actually look in the eye" Vince chuckled.

"I can't help but feel like I drag Nikki down..." Mick started to say.

"You think too lowly of yourself. Nikki seems to trust you with his life" Vince said.

"He could have anything he wants... he could be in LA's biggest band, but... he looks like a lost puppy" Mick sighed. He hung his head back down. "We're such fucking flight risks that no one bothers to stick around" he snapped.

"I'm here, and I don't plan on goin anywhere" Vince said.


"Because, probably unlike most people in your life, I think you're worth it" Vince said.

Mick was about to say something, until he heard laughter next door. Mick smiled and leaned back into the sofa. Vince leaned into Mick's shoulder.

"If you were dragging him down, I don't think he'd be laughing like that"

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