Our First Date

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"I hope Vinny is okay" Tommy said. "He has not called yet, has Mick called?" He asked.

"No... I'm worried too" Nikki said quietly. "Should I call?" He asked, looking at his phone.

"That is a good idea" Tommy said.

Nikki picked up his phone and dialed Mick's number. He took a shaky breath and held it up to his ear. He sighed when it kept ringing and went to voicemail.

"No answer..." Nikki sighed. He set his phone on the bedside table.

"We can try them later" Tommy said.

The two were sat next to each other on the single bed, leaning against one another.

"How are you feeling?" Tommy asked. He slowly and cautiously raised a hand to Nikki's forehead.

"Better I think... uhm, thank you for being here" Nikki said shyly.

"Are you hungry? Me and Mick traded, so we can drive somewhere for dinner" Tommy said.

"Uhm..." Nikki reached for his wallet and started flipping through cash, just to be stopped by Tommy.

"Noooo, I got it, come on!" Tommy beamed.

He hopped off the bed and held his hands out for Nikki.

"You know, Nikki" Tommy started to say. "I think," he spun Nikki around. "You are amazing, I do not care that you have...?" He started doubting his words. "Starts with an A-D?" He wondered.

"Addiction?" Nikki asked.

"Yes, that is the word. I do not care that you have an addiction, you are kind, beautiful, so so smart" Tommy said endearingly. "I am not very smart, but you are" he smiled. He tapped the tip of Nikki's nose and brushed his cheek with his pinky.

"I'm, I'm not..." Nikki said quietly, looking down at the floor.

"Who told you that?" Tommy asked, he continued stroking Nikki's face.

"Everyone... my mom, my dad..." Nikki said sadly. He shrugged.

"Come here sweetheart" Tommy said.

He pulled Nikki into his chest, wrapping his arms around his shoulders and threaded his fingers in Nikki's hair. Nikki wrapped his arms around Tommy's waist and tucked his head into Tommy's neck.

"You are so sweet, Nikki, you deserve only good things, all the time. Now, look at me?" He said, he tilted Nikki's head to where he could see his green eyes. "Food is a good thing, it is a very good thing, and you need to eat something"

"Okay... I really appreciate you, y'know?" Nikki said meekly.

"Oh Nikki darling, I appreciate you too" Tommy smiled. "I am here for you"

"I... y'know if you need another room for tonight, I can get you one, we have this room because I have night terrors... and it's the furthest away so I don't disturb anyone" Nikki said, dejected.

"What is a night terror?" Tommy asked.

"It's... I don't really know, I don't know what happens... I don't remember, but when I asked Mick, he said I get sad, and I cry" Nikki's voice wavered.

"I will always be here when you cry, when you are sad, I will be here for everything" Tommy whispered. He kissed Nikki's cheek. "Does... does that bother you, when I do that?" He asked, suddenly aware.

"No, no, I don't mind" Nikki blushed.

"Good, it is a common thing where I am from, for affection" Tommy said. "Eísai tóso ómorfi, evgenikí, agapiméni, agapití mou. Ísos tha boroúsame na échoume kai káti ómorfo."

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