I Do pt 3

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Tommy wrapped his presents to Nikki with bows. He was beyond worried that Nikki wouldn't like them, but he felt confident in his choice. He had a lot of input from Mick to boot. He sent Nikki off on a trip to get dinner and a nice wine to go with it. He hid his presents away in their bedroom for now and waited until Nikki came home.

"I'm back!" Nikki called through the house.

"Heyyyy baby" Tommy drawled.

He took the food bag and wine from Nikki's hands and set it down, wrapping himself around him.

"Hi babe" Nikki draped his arms over Tommy's shoulders. "How was your day? How's your parents?"

"Mad because they didn't get to come to our wedding" Tommy said. "But they would like to meet you more proper"

"Do you think they'll be okay with me?" Nikki asked, leaning his forehead to Tommy's.

"They are going to love you, so so much" Tommy said warmly. "Just like I do. What if we invite Miss Nona and Mister Tom and my parents over for dinner?"

"Tonight?" Nikki asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No no, maybe next week, if your Nona and Tom are going to be here still"

"Are your parents not coming with us to Mick and Vince's tomorrow?" Nikki asked, popping open the wine.

"Nope, apparently they're busy 'running the restaurant'" Tommy said with air quotes. He sighed and sat down at the table. "What did you do? How was your day?"

"Remind me to call first before I just go over to Mick and Vince's..." Nikki grimaced. "Eugh. I heard a little too much."

"At least they're not arguing" Tommy chuckled.

"I think I'd rather- no, actually, yeah, I'd rather hear them arguing" Nikki said. "They'd kiss and make up, and I wouldn't need long term therapy"

"You know, I'm fond of our first argument" Tommy said warmly. "Remember?"

"Ah yeah, when we couldn't decide if your, rather weird and mismatched-might I add- mug collection should be stored upside down or not"

"Uh, excuse me, Mister, are you not the one who stores the bowls upside down?" Tommy asked.

"Yup, now sit down" Nikki said, gesturing to a chair.


"Oh, while I was out, I bought you a gift" Tommy said.

"Aw baby, you didn't have to do that" Nikki rubbed the back of his neck. "I... haven't gotten anything for you yet" he sighed.

"It's okay, sweetheart, I saw it, and just had to buy it" Tommy smiled. "Besides, you bought dinner tonight, and that's basically the same thing"

"It is not the same thing" Nikki laughed.

"Get on the floor and close your eyes" Tommy said, pointing to a spot on the carpet.

Nikki playfully rolled his eyes and sat criss cross.

Tommy bent down and crouched right in front of him, making sure his eyes were closed. He gently tapped Nikki's nose.

"Good boy" Tommy giggled.

"Wait what're you doing?" Nikki asked, laughing.

"Making sure your eyes were closed" Tommy said. "Keep them closed, I will be right back"

Tommy went into their bedroom and picked up Nikki's gift. Two golden retriever puppies. He scooped them up in his arms, one tried biting Tommy's hair, and the other one just yawned. He kissed both of their heads before walking out into the living room. He sat in front of Nikki and held the hyper one in front of Nikki's face, letting the puppy lick it.

"Quit it, you nasty fuck" Nikki teased.

"Open your eyes, baby" Tommy said.

"Woah, the fuck did you do?" Nikki asked, surprised.

"What do you think, baby?" Tommy asked.

"They're so perfect"

Nikki was completely fawning over their new puppies. So goofy and dumb. And yes, they were totally sleeping on the bed with them. No way was Nikki going to miss out on puppy kisses first thing in the morning. Tommy loved seeing his husband so happy, he had no idea he loved dogs this much.

"What do you wanna call them?" Tommy asked.

"I have no idea, but I wanna call one of em Houdini" Nikki giggled.

"Hooo-dini" Tommy said, smiling. He sat next to Nikki and scooped up the other puppy.

"Just need to find out which ones the trouble maker" Nikki said.

"Uh, that's you, mister" Tommy teased. "We should take the puppies over to Mickey and Vinny's tomorrow"

"They need a dog, the girls need dogs" Nikki said, as if it was a fact. "Like a lot of them"

"Don't give me any ideas, baby" Tommy giggled.

"Y'know... we didn't think we'd live long enough to get a place to live... let alone get married" Nikki said, looking at his new puppies.

"I'm so happy I met you..." Tommy whispered. "And Mickey. You two are so strong" he kissed Nikki's cheek gently.

"Thank you for putting up with us for so long, I know we're a lot" Nikki said, playing with the dogs ears.

"You are a lot, but y'know what? I'm a lot, and I love you a lot" Tommy tickled Nikki's sides.

"Ooh-pft!" Nikki laughed, getting attacked by the puppies and Tommy too.

Tommy quickly pulled out his phone to take a video and pictures.

"Cmon babies, bedtime" Tommy giggled. "All of ya"

He scooped up one of the puppies and went into their bedroom, flopping down and let the tired pup walk all over him and plop on his chest. Nikki finally came in, corralling a hyper pup.

"Please tell me there's like an exotic animal or something you'd like to have so I can find it and match this" Nikki said, looking at Tommy.

"You're an exotic animal" Tommy purred. "But seriously though, you do not need to buy me anything, I have all I could ever want" he held Nikki by the chin and leaned in to kiss him.

Except they got attacked by puppy kisses instead, resulting in laughter and more ruthless puppy attacks.


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