Hold On To My Heart

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Tommy sat on the floor of the bathroom while Nikki sat in the bath. He patiently picked all the sticks and leaves from Nikki's hair and washed all the dirt out. Neither of them talked, they just sat there in each other's company. He lathered shampoo in Nikki's hair, gently digging his fingers into his scalp.

Nikki groaned softly and leaned back into Tommy's hands.

"I think you are all clean" Tommy said quietly.

"Thank you..." Nikki said softly. "M-m sorry..." his voice broke.

"Shh... s'okay, you are back with me" Tommy said. "Come on, let's get you dressed and lay down" he pushed away some of the wet hair from Nikki's face.

"Will you still stay with me tonight?" Nikki asked, he avoided Tommy's eyes.

Tommy noticed and smiled sadly.

"Of course I will, darling Nikki." Tommy cautiously and gently caressed Nikki's cheek.

He cocked his head to the side when tears started falling effortlessly down Nikki's face. He brushed them away with his thumb. He brought his other hand up and caressed the other cheek, feeling Nikki press into his hands. He carded his fingers into Nikki's wet hair.

"I should try to call Mickey or Vinny, tell them you are back" Tommy said quietly.

"They called?" Nikki finally looked up at Tommy.

"I Uhm... I called them, right after you left. Mickey gives good advice, told me to check the diner and then to stay here until you came back" Tommy said. "And look, you are here" he smiled. He ran his index down the bridge of Nikki's nose and tapped the end of it. "Come on, let's get you warm" he said.

"How're Vince and Mick doing?" Nikki asked as Tommy helped him out of the bathtub.

"Ahm... not good, you know? Skye, Vinny's baby girl passed away" Tommy said sadly. "His only baby"

"Shit... I thought she had days left... Mick said something about it, but... fuck..." Nikki looked at the ground.

"Me too... but, she is no longer hurting" Tommy said. "Uhm... any way..."

Tommy's voice trailed off and he started drying Nikki's hair. He helped Nikki get dressed in warm sweats and one of Tommy's hoodies. He took Nikki's hand and guided him to the bed. He laid down and invited Nikki to lay right with him.

"All warm?" Tommy asked.

"Yes... thank you Tommy... I'm sorry that I'm back so late..." Nikki said in a small voice. He focused on a loose string on Tommy's hoodie.

"Hey... it's okay... I would have stayed up all night for you. Mickey said I should stay here for when you come back, I am glad I did" Tommy whispered.

He decided to shoot Mick and Vince a quick text saying that Nikki was back and that he took a bath so he warmed back up.

"Hmm" Tommy warmly chuckled. "Vinny and Mickey told me to tell you that they love you, and they are glad you are safe." He gently petted Nikki's hair.

Nikki hummed and smiled to himself.

"I love them too. Man... those two like... everything to each other. Like soulmates, y'know?" Nikki looked up at Tommy, a small dopey, hopeless romantic, smile on his face.

"My mama used to tell me this story, about Orpheus and Eurydice. She said that while Orpheus was playing music in nature, he looked upon, and they fell in love instantly. They got married and blessed by Hymenaios." Tommy turned his attention away from Nikki for a moment, making hand gestures in the air as he spoke.

"But while Eurydice was Uhm... walking with other nymphs, like her, someone else tried to seduce her as he hated Orpheus," Tommy's voice turned sad.

"Before Orpheus and Eurydice could get away, she stepped in snakes, and she died. Orpheus could not handle it, so he went to Hades to bring her back. But he could not look at her until they have left the Underworld. But he could not hear her, so he looked back, and saw her shadow fall back into the Underworld, keeping her there forever." Tommy looked back at Nikki, still drawing in the air with his hands.

"He kept calling for death to take him, so he was struck by lightening, and his soul went down to Hades so he could be with her forever" Tommy's voice trailed off and went quiet as he looked into Nikki's glossy eyes with his own. "How come you are sad, Nikki?" He asked.

"I... I don't know..." Nikki whispered. He closed his eyes as tears fell.

"You know... we could make our own love story, friendship, love is a beautiful thing" Tommy said.

"Fuck... I think I like you a lot Tommy, and I'm so scared that I'm gonna fuck it up... I fuck everything up..." Nikki sat up and turned away from Tommy.

"Nikki... sweetheart. I like you too, darling. I think we could have something really beautiful. We can go however fast or slow you want, I want to be here for everything"

Tommy sat up and sat next to Nikki. He held Nikki's hand and kissed the top of it. He pressed a kiss to his clothed shoulder and one more on his cheek. Nikki turned his head slightly towards Tommy, flicking his eyes at him and flicking them away.

"Lay back down with me, it is very late, and you need sleep" Tommy said gently.

He tugged lightly on Nikki's hand as he laid down, coaxing him to lay down with him. He sighed deeply as he hugged Nikki close to him. He rubbed his nose in Nikki's hair, smelling the clean shampoo.

Nikki felt so safe and secure in Tommy's arms. It felt different than when he was being held by Mick. Maybe because Mick was just smaller, bony, and was always rigid. Nikki hoped he was able to relax now that he had Vince, he noticed that Vince brought out the softness Mick had. He felt warm and safe under Tommy's hands, he tucked his head into Tommy's neck and sighed.

Tommy kissed the top of Nikki's head and let their bodies relax with each others. He waited until he heard Nikki's breathing mellow out and become deeper before letting his own eyes flutter shut.

Nikki didn't have a night terror that night.

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