The Devil's Coming

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Vince had never seen someone who looked so close to death.

He brushed his fingers across Mick's face. He was so cold, but when he ran his fingers though his hair, it was surprisingly soft.

"Don't let them get in..." Mick's voice was weak. "Nikki..." his voice trailed off.

Vince looked over Nikki, who was slowly starting to look around at his surroundings and at himself.

"Nikki?" Vince said cautiously. He stood up from where Mick was laying.

"Vince...? Why... why am I bleeding?" Nikki asked.

"I don't know..." Vince said truthfully. He walked over to Nikki and knelt down.

"Where's Mick?" He asked, his voice becoming frantic.

"He's on the couch, are you okay?" Vince asked.

"M bleeding... Vince, why am I bleeding?" Nikki's voice cracked. He looked into Vince's eyes and all Vince saw was fear.

"It's okay... it's okay, it's... just a scratch" Vince said. He started to pull out his phone and call Tommy. "Hey T... can you bring a first aid kit next door?" He asked, keeping his voice quiet.

"What?" Tommy asked.

"Never mind, just... come home, quickly, please?" Vince asked.

"I am in front of the building" Tommy said. "Let me bring everything up and then-where are you?" He asked.

"Next door, just hurry... and keep quiet too" Vince said as he hung up the phone.

"Vin I'm bleeding" Nikki said. "Oh-oh god" his breathing picked up. "Did I hurt someone?" He whispered.

"It's okay, it's just a scratch" Vince repeated.

It was way more than a scratch. He might as well need stitches.

"M a heroin addict, Vince" Nikki admitted, his voice wavered. "It's the only thing keeping me alive..."

"You're gonna be okay" Vince grabbed Nikki's hand gently.

Vince's phone buzzed with a text from Tommy, saying he was outside. He slowly stood up and backed away from Nikki, getting a quick look at Mick, and went to open the door. He opened the door and let Tommy in.

"Tom he's bleeding..." Vince said, noticing the first aid kit in Tommy's hands.

"I will go fix it" He said.

Tommy walked over to Nikki and sat next to him, accidentally startling him. He noticed the half injected needle.

"It needs..." Nikki started to say, shakily reaching out to it to try to inject it the rest of the way.

Tommy reached out for Nikki's hand, holding it, and using his other hand to push the rest of the liquid into Nikki's veins. He pulled the syringe out and put it on the ground next to him.

"You are bleeding... I will fix it, Nikki"

Nikki's head flopped back and hit the wall with a solid thud before falling to the side and forward.

Tommy slowly got up a little and sat between Nikki's legs. He took one of his arms and started to wipe the blood and wrap it with bandages.

"Are you okay, Nikki?" Tommy asked.

"I think I hurt someone, Tommy..." Nikki whispered.

"You didn't hurt anyone, Nikki. Promise" Tommy said.

"I like your accent" Nikki said.

Tommy smiled and slowly reached out to cup Nikki's face to look at him.

"I like your eyes" Tommy said, he brushed his thumb across Nikki's cheekbone.

"Tommy I think I'm gonna die" Nikki said as he yawned.

"Nuh uh, you are not dying on my... dime" Tommy said, unsure of the saying. "Uhm..."

Nikki smiled at Tommy's goof. His eyes started to flutter shut. He let out a deep sigh and nuzzled further into Tommy's hand.

"Are you tired?" Tommy asked.

Nikki nodded against Tommy's hand, relishing in the feeling of Tommy's fingers in his hair. Sometimes Nikki felt so touch starved, despite cuddling with Mick all the time. Mick was smaller, bony, and cold.

"Come on, let us get you to lay down" Tommy said.

Tommy took both of Nikki's hands and carefully pulled him off the floor, wrapping his arms around Nikki's back when he fell into him a bit. Nikki let his head fall on Tommy's shoulder, and his hands rest on Tommy's waist.

"Come on, you" Tommy said.

He grabbed Nikki's hands and lead him down the hallway. Nikki sort of fell into the open door way of his and Mick's bedroom.

"Can I?" Tommy asked, referring to the small stack of CD's next to a stereo.

Nikki nodded and he watched Tommy flip through the stack. He didn't really recognize any of the names, but he settled on a CD that he liked the look of. He popped the CD in the stereo and sat next to Nikki. He slowly reached out and brushed Nikki's hair with his fingers.

"I will leave you be, sleep tight, Nikki" Tommy said quietly.

Just as he was about to stand up, Nikki reached out, grabbing his hand.

"Stay... please..." Nikki whispered. He groaned and rubbed his head.

"Do you need some water?" Tommy asked. "A, uhm... pain killer?" He asked.

"Yes please..." Nikki whispered.

"Okay, I will get you one" Tommy replied. He brushed the hair off Nikki's forehead before standing back up.

Tommy crept back out into the living room and rifled through his first aid kit. He found some pain killers and went over to the kitchen and found a stray mug on the counter. He filled it up with water and went back into Nikki's room. He felt Nikki's forehead to make sure he wasn't warm and gently checked Nikki's bandages to make sure he hadn't bled through them.

"Where'd you learn this stuff?" Nikki asked, referring to the bandages.

Tommy took one of Nikki's hands, and let his fingers glide over his wrists, letting him feel scars layered upon scars.

"I have Vinnie to thank for saving me" Tommy said. "I was bullied a lot for the way I speak and how I looked when I moved to America with my mother and father"

"I like how you talk" Nikki said. "And how you look"

"I like how you talk and look too. You're like a rocker" Tommy said. "Vinnie taught me that word" he mused.

"It's a good word. You look like one too" Nikki said, yawning, which made Tommy yawn.

"Sleep, Nikki" Tommy said. "You need it. I will be here" he whispered.

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