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Me and neymar were hanging around lately, after we met eachother face to face at the concert. He was a sweet guy and the thing between us were starting to get more serious. And of course the paparazzi spotted us. But it was okay. At the moment I didn't care the only thing I thought about was him and only him.


Carla was different. She was the first girl I spent more that 48 hours. She wasn't with me for the fame and the money. It was real. She made me fall in love for the first time. Her kindness and beauty were endless. Oh God.

~3 weeks later~

I woke up. Sofi was sitting on the terrace and watching on her phone. I get up and went to the bathroom. My phone was charging by the time. I got ready and walked to the terrace and now she was doing her make up ot the liitle table there. She turned around and smiled. "Hey what's up girl" "I just woke up, where are we going today" I said. "After an hour I think we should go to the beach, what do you think about that" she said. "Okay that's great." I smiled. "Oh and girl check your phone I think that boy you are hanging around for the last e weeks texted you" sofi grouned. When I told you my eyes started to shine that means that THEY SNINED LIKE DIMONDS. I checked my my phone, it was really him. I went to my dm's on Instagram. I opened the text and it said "What are you doing today". I texted him "we are going to the beach and then at the hotel, cuz it's so hot and tonight me and sofi are going to some fancy restaurant I think. What about you". He answered me imidiatly and the text was saying: "do you want to go to the beach together, but please don't let her eat more candies" I started laughing and at the same time texting him "Oh boy okay. How about 1 am" "that's sounds great see you soon, xx"
I smiled and replied "bye, xx".

It was nearly 12 am and I started doing my face and hair. My bikini were neon pink and I had neckleses around my neck. Sofi was all done and she went out to go and get something. I was about to start packing my bag for the beach, but someone just crashed the door and guess who it was. SOFI. She couldn't stop laughing and crashing some stuff. What was wrong with her, her eyes were so closed that she was barely watching. I stood in front her and then my nose just couldn't done it. TELL ME SHE DID NOT JUST SMOKED WEED. Girl I wanted to kill her but aperently she wasn't even able to talk and focus. We walked down the stairs and she crashed AGAIN. It took us 30 minutes to get in the beach, cuz she couldn't walk and stop laughing. The beach was litteraly infront of the hotel, but it was okay neymar still wasn't there.

He came like after 20 minutes and he was alone. I stood up and he came to me. He kissed my head and I hugged him tightly. Sofi was watching him so strange, she was litteraly staring into his soul and I think he got a little confused. "What is wrong with her" he whispered. "Oh she just smoked some weed and now she can't even tell her name right" "She did what?" Neymar said with his mouth opened. "Yeahh I don't even know how she found it, but it's a fact now" I said in a sarcastic way. We walked in the sea and he started swimming. "Oh come on hurry up, come with me Carla" I heard him. "I can't my hair is gonna get wet and I just washed it" He run up to me and hugged me as he dunked me under the water. I didn't expect that so I started screaming. "Chill out its water Carla" "I told you I don't want to get wet" I gasped. "Aren't you already wet" he said in a sarcastic way. "Oh boy". "You are really beautiful, you know" he said while moving me gently on his lap. I smiled and kissed him. "You think" I said quietly. "Carla you are gorgeous" I started smiling so hard and he was watching me with those lovely eyes. He kissed my neck then my lips, I kissed him back. This time was much longer than yesterday in the dressing room. I could feel him so much closer to me and it made me fell in love even harder. What was happening to me.
We got back to the beach and Sofi was cramming with candies again.

It was about 5 pm and we got back to the hotel. Neymar came with us just to make sure Sofi is doing well and not throwing up just like 30 minutes ago. I walked to the bathroom and started to get ready for the bath. He walked in and smiled. I think he saw the set from the other night. "I wanted to ask you to come on a date with me, what do you think. The things between us are going a little bit fast, but that's okay. Am I right?" he said. "I would love to come on a date with you neymar, but I don't know if I can trust you that fast you know" I said. "Carla it's alright I will give you the time and everything else you need. You just made me fall in love with you so bad. You are so beautiful and kind. The way you look at we and the way you kiss me it's just making me so weak. That's just about 2 days. What did you do to me Carla" he said while he was taking of my neckleses. "You know I'm in love with you too, right" I said and turned around him. He was smiling so hard. I kissed him slowly and asked "so what about the dinner, just the two of us maybe at 8 pm. Can you come and pick me up?" "Of course I can, see you later" he said and walked away.
I felt my self so happy and then continued to get ready.

Sofi was sleeping, so she wasn't coming with us. I put on a black slim dress and the heels from yesterday. My hair was straight and my earing were hoops. My make up was simple cuz I already got a sunblush from the beach today. It was 07:40 pm and I got a call from neymar. He was at the parking waiting for me. He got out of his car and kissed me. "You are shining, aren't you" he whispered in my year. "You are so gentle and gorgeous, aren't you" I said back. He opened the door for me and drove the car.

Hey everyone! CHAPTER 2 is all done. Are you exited for the dinner? What do you think? to be continued...

Love now, Cry later N.J.Where stories live. Discover now