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                                                                                         •The Flight•


We flew to spain with my privet jet. It was 10 am and everyone was sleeping exept me. 7 more hours to get in Barcelona. I was so tired, but i coudn't fall asleep. I was thinking about Carla's family, specially her stepdad. What if she brake up with me, because of him. I didn't want to lose her at all. I knew that he didn't like our relationship, but I had no idea at all. Maybe its because of me. The media is awlays rosting me about the parties and before Carla i was awalys spotted with some girls. Maybe he knew about that.
Carla was asleep on my shoulder. I kissed her head and leyed mine on hers. "I love you, more than anything" I said quietly and closed my eyes. "Ew" sofi muttered and rolled her eyes. "If you ever hurt her I'm gonna kill you and I'm serious" she added. "Just let me sleep and shut up" I muttered. "Promise me". "I promise you I won't hurt her" I said and tried to get some sleep.


I woke up because of a loud voice and concussion .
Neymar was sitting next to me. "What is going on" I asked, trying not to fall asleep again. "We have just landed, we are in spain" he laughed. "Huh, wait I was sleeping, through the hole time" I asked confused. "Yeah  I mean you haven't sleep all night, you were teasing me remember" he said back and smiled. "You were so cute, by the way" I giggled and stood up. "Girl we are home, Diablo and Bagira are waiting for us" sofi said with a big smile. "When are you mooving out" she added. "I don't know in a couple of days maybe. I should to pack my stuff and see my family". "I thought you are mooving today" neymar said confused. "What about Diablo" sofi asked. "I didn't think about that". "He can come too" neymar smiled. "It's not gonna be a problem to you" I asked. "Of course not, was poker problem to you" neymar said back. "No, of course no why are you even asking" I asked. "Then why are you asking me. Why can't you move out today" he added. "I just want to spend the night in our house" I smiled and looked at sofi. "You can stay too". "Are you sure" he asked. "Yeah why not, my sister is coming tomorrow you can meet her, if you want to" I smiled. "Of course I want to, what about your family". "I don't know I think they will invite us for a dinner" I looked down, thinking of my stepdad. "Hey look at me, it's gonna be fine okay" neymar said, trying to comfort me.
We walked of the jet. Neymars bodyguard was waiting for us in the car. "I already miss Brazil" I muttered taking a deep breath. Neymar opened the car door for me and I sat down. I was in the back with him and sofi sat in the front. "Welcome back, Neymar" the bodyguard said with a smile. "Thank you Andrio" he said and smiled. "I guess you really bring Carla with you, the media wasn't lying" he smirked. "Yeah, why don't you guys meet each other" Neymar said looking at me. "It's pleasure to meet you Miss Paez" Andrio smiled and looked at me. "O please call me Carla and it's nice to meet you too" I smiled back. "So where do you want me to drive you guys" he asked. "Carla what's ur address" Neymar asked. I said my address and he took us home.
"Home sweet home" I heard sofi smiling. I opened the front door and Diablo and Bagira were sitting there mooving their tails happily. "Come here buddies" I laughed and hugged them. Sofi joined us. "I missed you so much" she said and looked at them. They were so happy. Diablo and Bagira are labradors. He is mine and Baga is Sofi's.  "Here Diablo meet this pain in the ass" I smiled and pointed Neymar. "Says you, Come here buddy" he laughed and petted him. They started kicking some ball in the back yard. Bagira joined them.
I was arranging my stuff in the dressing room. Neymar walked in. "I don't think i have that big closet in my house" he said with widely opened eyes. "It's impressive, actually" he added. "What do you mean" I asked confused. "I wasn't thinking that anyone have ever owned so much clothes and stuff and what ever that is". "Well, get used to it" I laughed. "What about this dresser" he smirked. "Can I opened it" he asked. "It's already opned" I laughed. "My underwear is there" He took one of my bodysuit and looked at me. "I can see trough this litteraly everything". "That's why I wear this in bed" I said back.
"What about this" he smirked. My Victoria Secret thongs. "Definitely take all of them, when you move out in my house" he smiled and hugged me. "Nahh I'm gonna take my Supreme boxers" I laughed and hugged him back. "No like for real, this shit is turning me on" he laughed.



I was eating the dinner Carla cooked earlier. My favorite pasta. I can eat this all day, all night. Suddenly I heard the Diablo and Bagira barking in the frontyard. It was dark outside. I walked out to check what's happening. I could hear people voices, screaming. My eyes were blinded by lightning. Paparazzi. I was disgusting by their behavior. They were all shooting Carla's and Neymar names.
"Can you give them some privacy, how do you even know that he is here" I shooted back. "Miss what do you think about the opinion of Carla's step dad Miguel and the relationship between Neymar and Carla". I  took a deep breath and tried to avoid them. I walked back in the house with Diablo and Bagira. Locked all the doors and took a relaxing bath. I have missed it. Suddenly Carla walked in. "I thought you are asleep" I said. "I was, i woke up because of the paparazzi, they were talking about Miguel, weren't they" she sighed. " Carla, just wait another month and everything is gonna be back to normal" I said, trying to comfort her.  "I checked the articles about us and I saw the interview of Miguel, talking about my relationship with Neymar" Carla muttered. "He is so annoyed that I found happiness and not Cassiddy" she added. "He is an asshole and you know that, don't bother yourself with all that stuff on internet, okay" I smiled and looked at her. "I'll try" she smiled back and walked away. "Good night girll" I shooted for her to hear me. "Good nighttt, I love you".
"I love you more" I said quietly and smiled to my self.


Carla leyed down the bed, next to me. She was upset. I hugged her thightly and kissed her neck. "What's wrong" I asked quitly. "The paparazzi, they were infront of the house" she sighed. "Were they talking about Miguel" I asked. "Plus our relationship" she added. "Ignore them okay" I said and kissed her again. "I'm trying" she said and kissed me back. It was silent for a few minutes. "Promise me you won't leave me Neymar" she said quietly, hugging me more thightly. I could feel tear falling down from her eyes. "Look at me Carla, I won't leave you ever" I whispered in her ear, caressing her gently with my right hand. More tears fell down from her eyes. I kissed her head and tried to comfort her. We were talking for a while, when she fell asleep in my arms. Carla didn't deserve all of it. Under her beautiful smile was hiding a side from her that just wanted a man by her side.

Hey everyone here is chapter 8. Hope you like it (vote if you do). Wish you all the best. Soon chapter 8.
*I know that this chapter is not really interesting, but at the same time is beautiful.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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