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It was nearly 2 am and I was packing my things. Neymar was in the pool playing with Poker. Sofi walked in. She was puffy and sad. "Hey girl what's up, are you crying" I asked. "I can't leave Poker, he is so sweet" she said back desperately. "Oh don't be sad, Nadine and Rafa will take care of him, Diablo and Bagira are waiting for us in Barcelona, it's gonna be okay" I hugged her. "Yeah I know I just got attached to him" she tried to smile. "Have you packed ur things yet".
"I did, do you want help with yours" she asked. "I'm just packing my swim suits and I'm all done" I smiled. "You seem nervous today, what's up, is it about tonight" she sounded confuse. "Yea" I muttered under my breath. "Oh don't be, neymar said that they already like you, you don't have to worry about it and you are a great person" she exclaimed. "I don't know what if they have changed their opinions". "Carla take a deep breath and remember about our little thing when we were 14 years old" she laughed. "Oh shut up we are not teenagers anymore and I can't act like this while I'm meeting his family tonight" I laughed and layed on the floor. "I love you" I said quietly. "I love you more girl". Suddenly the door opened. "I love you no I love you more" neymar said in a girly tone, making fun of us. If I gotta be honest he sounded like a gay and his facial expressions were killing me. I laughed out loudly. "You sound like a gay, you know" sofi laughed. "You sound like a gay, you know" he continued with his girl cracking tone. "Oh shut up" I said and got up from the floor. "Are you done with you luggage" he said and got closer to me. "I just finished it". He kissed my lips and hugged me. Poker just arrived in the room and started jumping on me playfully. "What's up boy" I laughed and petted him. "I'm gonna miss you" I smiled. "He is gonna miss you too Carla" neymar said and sat next to me. "Why he can't come with us" I asked and layed my head on his shoulder. "The flight is about 10 hours, he can't stay in one place for so much long" he sighed. "Be ready at 7, okay". "Okay" I said back and walked away. I went to our room and leyed on the bed. The hole morning I was cleaning the house and cooking lunch.


I walked in the bathroom to check on Crala. "You look beautiful" I whispered in her ear. "You don't have to put all that make up on ir self u are gorgeous Carla". I could see her blushing in the mirror. She turned around and kissed me softly on my lips. I could smell her tender  perfume on her neck. I stared kissing her neck and removing the straps of her dress. My hands were on her thighs slowly mooving between them, going to her intimate area. She gasped and took a breath. "Smooth Junior but we don't have a time for this". "Its cosidered rude to leave a lady wet like this" I said flirty and kissed her shoulder. She laughed and and continued to do her make up. After 30 minutes we were in the living room and Carla wad checking her phone. "OH MY GOD" she shooted. What was going on here. "NEYMAR, SOFI LOOK. I got an email offering me a runaway show in Milano for Victoria Secret, that awesome, they want me to be a Victoria Secret model. and to promote the next line of underwear" she exclaimed. I smiled and hugged her. "No wonder why" I said and kissed her. "Oh shut up" she laughed. "So when are we going" sofi sounded exited. "Next month" Carla said back.
We should of go to my parents house. Sofi stayed with Poker. They were watching "Rio" the animation. Poker wasn't very in it and he kept distracting sofi.


We arrived and the gates opened. Neymar parked the car and opened the door for me. We walked through the main door of the house. "How are you feeling" he asked. "Kind a nervous" I smiled embarrasstly. "It's gonna be fine" he kissed my head and rang the belldoor. His mom Nadine opened the door. "Carla sweety  nice to meet you, you are so beautiful, how are you" she greated me in the sweetest way ever. "Heyyyy nice to meet you Nadine you are so sweet" I said while trying not to swallow my tongue. "Ohh don't be nervous Carla, make ur self at home" she smiled and hugged me. "Mom let me meet Carla you can talk to her the hole night" rafa laughed. "Hey girl, I'm dying to meet you, neymar has been talking about you alot" she said quietly, because she didn't want him to feel embarrassed. "Nice to meet you to Rafaella, you are so beautiful" I smiled and we hugged each other. "Auu you are way more beautiful than me". She was actually so kind and pretty. Then I met his dad. "Heyyy Carla, it's a pleasure to meet you" he smiled and we shook hands. "The honnor is mine" I said, at the same time my voice cracked. "Ooo don't be nervous we already love you" he smiled and we sat on the dinner table.
We were talking for hours. They were so sweet and kind. Especially Nadine the sweetest woman ever. Rafa and I also had a great chat. She gave me her number, to hang out some day.
I could see that neymar was happy. He was always looking at me just in case for me not to panick. Actually I was feeling great and wasn't nervous at all. "So when are you guys flying back to Spain" neymars dad asked. "On Sundey" neymar sighed. "Carla what do you think of Brazil, how was your staying here". "It's beautiful country I wish I could stay here forever" I smiled and looked at neymar. "You know Carla you are the first girl, who has Neymar brought us here to meet" Rafa smiled and looked right into neymar. "Really" I exclaimed. "He never told you that" she asked. "No" I smiled and looked at him. "He is a lil too shy maybe" rafa added and we all started laughing.
It was nearly 1 pm and I was so tired. We were about to leave when Nadine called. "Why dot you guys stay here, you can sleep in neymars room" she smiled. "What do you think Carla" neymar added. "Why not, I'm so tired right now and I don't want to fall asleep in the car" I said. Oh God thank you Nadine, you have saved me. I should of stay 1 more hour awake until we get home. We ran into neymars room and I took a quick shower. I didn't have any pajamas I wore his old shirt. "It looks great on you" he laughed. "Shut up" I said and layed on his chest. "I love your Family, they are all so sweet" I smiled and kissed his lips. "They love you too, I could see my mom face expressions when you talk, she have loved you more than me in just one night" he smiled and layed on top of me. Oh not right now.


I kissed her lips and she kissed me back. I removed my shirt and brushed my hands over her panties  gently. Her skin was soft and warm. Carla slowly ran her hands all over my chest. "Neym.." she gasped, but she couldn't finish the sentence. My fingers were slowly running between her thighs, getting there. I kissed her neck one last time and started to get down on her, by slowly kissing her body. She gasped and scratched the sheets. "We can't do this right now, get of me, before we wake up your parents" she tried to keep her self normal. "I'm not gonna make you scream, just a liitle bit" I laughed and layed on her chest. " I don't want this to be their first impression". "Okay, okay just wait untill we get back in our place" I laughed. "Bad for you my period starts tomorrow" she laughed and ran her finger trough my hair. "Barcelona then" I kissed her and fall asleep.

Hey everyone here is chapter 6, soon chapter 7. Wish you all the best. (Sorry for the late update)  Vote if you like it.

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