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•The next day


My phone started to ring. It was Andres (my stepdad). Oh Lord no.
"Hey what's up" I said, answering the phone. "What's up, you are asking me what's up, be fucking for real. What are you doing. Why are still in Brazil. Do you know about the paparazzi every where, at our house, AT YOUR SISTERS SCHOOL what is wrong with you. Is he a secret. The articles, the pictures, you guys partying every night, do you know who this guy is, you are a famous model and he is a football player and you both decided to show up in a privet party with paparazzi, do you know what you are costing us? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, YOU CANT DATE HIM JUST LIKE THAT. You both arent worth it". "What is your problem, that I'm not in Spain giving you enough money, huh" I said back and hung up the phone. Tears began to fell down and I imeidiatly went to the bathroom. I sat on the floor and started crying. What is his problem, why is he doing this to me, I can't do this anymore, I have to tell neymar about this. Suddenly the door opened. It was him.


I was in the living room and I heard Carla talking on the phone, it wasn't just a normal conversation, she sounded angry and at the same time upset. I didn't know what was going on. She went upstairs in the bathroom and I followed her. When I walked in she was on floor crying. I sat next to her and whipped her tear. "Why are you crying" I asked. "It's nothing I just had a fight with my step-dad" carla muttered. "Is everything okay, what did he tell you". She took a deep breath and tears began to fall down from her eyes. "Talk to me Carla, I'm worried about you, what's going on" I said quietly. "I cant" she continued to cry. I hugged her thightly and tried to comfort her, but I couldn't. It was the first time seeing her like this. She was awlays smiling and laughing, and now her being in pain. "You know you can talk to me, right". She nodded her head. "So tell me" I begged her. "You want to know it all right" she said. "Mhm" i said quietly. "Okay so he was yelling at me because I'm here with you and now the hole net is full of pictures of us and there are paparazzi are  everywhere, even in my sisters school. He also told me that our relationship isn't good and it's not real. He asked me why I'm still here and why I haven't tell them about you yet. And his final wordrs were "what the hell are you thinking, you cants date him just like that" she cried. I didn't know what to tell her. She never mentioned him before. We never had a real talk about her parent, she didn't want to. I guess that's why. "It's gonna be okay, I'm here for you, don't listen to him". "But you don't get it neymar, it's awlays like this he is awlays jugging and yelling at me, I can't do this anymore" she said sadly. I disappeared for a moment why has she never mentioned this before. A tear fell down from my eye. "Why haven't you told me this yet" I said quietly. "I just don't want to talk about it" "And what about your biological dad, where is he" "Oh please don't do this to me" she cried even more. "It's okay I'm here for you and I awlays will, you are different Carla you'r not just like every other girl, I fell for you, I love you," I said gently. "We can talk about that when you decide to okay" "I love you, I've never been treated like this, you are the first guy I fell for and the first man been here for me, I don't want to loose, that's what I'm scared of" she said back sadly. "You are not going to loose me, I will be awlays here for you, no matter what" I kissed her head and we stood up. Carla and I went to take a nap. I didn't want her to stay alone right now. We cuddled and talked for 2 hours, then she fell asleep.


I was at the living room eating  burger and fries. Neymar walked in. "Can we talk about Carla" he sounded worry. "Sure". I don't know what was happening. "Carla and her stepdad were talking on the phone and I think you know how it ended" he said. "Shit, is she okay, what did he told her". What was his problem. She just found happiness. "She was crying, I tried to comfort her. He was yelling at her about our relationship and the paparazzi". "I have never liked this guy, he is such an asshole". "Since when is this all, why is he acting like this" neymar asked. "Since she was a teenager, Andres is awalys underestimating and being an asshole to her. He has never been a real father to Carla, he only cares about his biological daughter Cassiddy. Not even her biological father, that's why she needs you". "Why didn't she tell me all that" he said. "Carla don't want to talk about this, she had enough from them, she has been trough a lot, her biological father Miguel, he was a liar and he still is, he left them when she was 2 years old". "Shit I didn't know about that, I don't know what to say" neymar said back. We sat on silent for a few minutes. "Promise me that you will never hurt her and no matter what you will be there for her" I cried. "That's the first time her being truly happy, before you guys started dating she has never had a real relationship, the last guy cheated on her" I added. "You know she is different from the other girls, she is beautiful, her soul is beautiful and kind I knew it since I first saw her. She is the first girl I fall in love with". His eyes were sparkling and he was smiling, but at the same time he was upset. "I promise you I will never hurt her" he added. "You love her don't you" I smirked. He nodded his head and smiled. "I'm going upstairs to see how is she doing, okay" he said. "Okay and wait can I take Poker for a walk when I finish here" I asked. "You don't need to ask, Poker loves you" he said back and walked away.


I was checking my socials when neymar walked in. "Hey are you okay now" he said and kissed me on my lips. "I'm okay, don't worry" I smiled. "Tomorrow I must start to pack up my stuff, our flight is in 3 days" I added. "I can help you with that" neymar giggled. "Mhmm do you remember the last time packing my stuff together, we left the sheets wet, I felt so embarrassed". He started to laugh "well it's not a problem now, here we have another pair". "Oh shut up" I laughed. "I love you" he looked at me and put me on his lap. "I love you more". "No you dont" he laughed and started to tickle me. "Stop I can't breath neymar please" I was brusting out of laugh. "No my stomach hurt neymar" I continued to laugh even more. "I'm not tickling you, why are you still laughing" he giggled. "I know it's it's ju.." I couldn't finish my sentence because of my laugh.
"Carla I want you to meet my parents before we go to Bracelona" he said. "Wait what" I said confused and stopped laughing. "They invited us for dinner tomorrow night" "That's great of course I want to meet your parents, but at the same time im nervous about it, what if they don't like me" I said happy but at the same time worried. "They already like you what do you mean, you think i haven't told them about you" neymar smirked. "I'm sorry about today"."What are you talking about, Carla it's okay I'm here for you, you don't have to say sorry about something like that" he smiled. "Sofi told you about my dads, right, I heard you guys talking and I want to thank you for everything" I smiled. "You have been trough a lot, didn't you". "It's in the past, I'm okay now". He hugged me and smiled. I felt so happy "Do you want to move out in my house when we go to Barcelona" he said quietly. "Of course I want to, but  right now I'm living with sofi, what about her" I asked. "Well she can visit us whenever she wants to and she will have her own room if you want to. I know how much this girl means to you Carla" he smiled. "Are you for real right now, omg thank you so much" I smiled and cuddled him. "I love you" he said while kissing me gently. "I love you more" I said back and layed in his arms.

I was out in the neighborhood, having a walk with Poker. Suddenly a group of paparazzi came up of nowhere. Poker got scared and walked behinde me. "Oh no Poker it's okay, they are just some idiots with cameras, come here boy. Let's go home" I tried to comfort him, but he was still scared. They started yelling at me for not answering their questions.

"Miss Paez tell us about Carla and Neymar, where are you staying at, are you guys coming back in Barca, what about the parties"

The dumbest questions ever. I'm sick of them. It's not the first time them acting like this.
I got home. I took a shower and went to check on Carla and Neymar. He was caressing her gently while she was asleep in his arms. I smiled to my self. Then i went to sleep and Poker came with me. Such a sweetheart. I don't know what I'm going to do with out him in Barcelona. I got attached to him.

Hey everyone here is chapter 5.
I hope you guys like it. Soon CHAPTER 6.

Love now, Cry later N.J.Where stories live. Discover now