7 - Game is on

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After getting back from the hospital, she took a warm shower for one complete hour. One month of break made her a bit lazy. She even felt less motivated.

Expecting those warm droplets to remind how she was one month ago, she was under the shower for a long time yet, it didn't work.

She was confused about where to start and what to do. Realizing that shower is not going to help her, she stepped out.

While going out to grab some caffeine to put her mind at ease, she noticed Priya and Karthik sitting on the couch and Gautham holding a marker standing near the white board.

Gautham looked at her in awe. His two major weaknesses were watching Anu tie her hair up and the other was Anu with wet hair. Snapping out of it, "Are you ready?" he asked.

"Ready for what?" She had no idea what it was about. Still, she walked and sat with them.

Gautham wrote 'facts' on the board. "Let us state all the possible facts about the accident," he said.

In shock, "Why are you making a big deal about it? I can do things on my own," Anu said. Her first fight after proper recovery was with Gautham.

Instead of getting an argument, it is easier to clear her doubts and dive into the main topic, he thought. "We all strongly think there is some connection between your accident and Aditya's case. That is the reason we have gathered here".

Even Anu felt the same but she thought of dealing with that on her own. She agreed and took part in the discussion because teamwork is more productive than doing things on her own.

Their meeting took its plight off with stating the facts. Gautham said, "There were no records of the accident". Immediately, Anu said, "No records of my calls on that day either".

"That person is very well versed with technology. So the probabilities of him being a hacker is high," Karthik directly jumped to the conclusion of the 'facts' topic. Of course, none of them had issues with that.

"Exactly! As that person also took Aditya's name, I think he... or she... knows Aditya as well as hacking," Gautham explained it in detail.

Priya took initiative and said, "So, getting the list of all Aditya's acquaintances and checking who is a hacker in that list will take us a step closer, right?" Priya and Karthik were suggesting ways of approaching in competition. He says one, she immediately says another to win over him.

Gautham nodded. "As we are done with the facts, let us talk about the process," he erased facts and wrote the procedure. For some reason, three of them felt as if they were attending some school.

Gautham said, "As long as we are clear about the objective, it doesn't matter what our procedure of achieving it is".

"And what is our objective?" Anu was back to the main point which was already discussed.

In disbelief, "KNOWING WHO THE HACKER IS," three of them yelled that made Anu close her ears.

"Oh god, focus dear," Gautham said. It was not like she wasn't paying attention. It is just that, all of a sudden it became difficult for her to cope up.

Acknowledging that it was indeed her mistake, she apologized genuinely.

Getting back to work, "In order to know Aditya's relatives, friends and acquaintances better, we need to know him better. So, Anu, you will do that," the delegation of tasks has begun.

"Do what?" She was clueless.

"KNOW HIM BETTER," again those three said at the same time. Gautham further said, "What happened to you? Are you not feeling well?"

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