14 - Unknown confession

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Power. What's the perfect definition? Is it the way Anu's getting access through literally everything? Is it the way Aditya is able to hide a person's identity from the world? Or… is it the way Roshini controls all the pawns in the chess game?

Defining a five-letter word was never this difficult to anyone. Somewhere, deep down, everyone is aware of the sins they are committing. It's just that each of them had their own reasons.

Anu sat in the room all alone in front of two systems. She was ready to hear all those conversations that didn't include her when she has every right to be a part of it.

It was all according to her plan but she didn't seek Priya's help. Instead, an acquaintance of hers. It isn't like she doesn't trust her. She didn't want Priya to go against the set of rules she build for herself.

Every human enters their profession by making a promise to self. It could be anything. Anything! Anu respects that 'anything' as she knows how it feels to break it.

Solve the case whatever it takes. I repeat, whatever it takes, she powered up herself.

The conclusion of Lavanya knows something, no, everything that no one else does and she was made a fool throughout the journey of being defense attorney for him was derived after sitting at one stretch for two solid hours.

Their talks did seem kind of suspicious but suspecting someone based on that would definitely be stupidity.

Anu couldn't bear this anymore. She decided to directly ask her friend - no, ex-friend about things she had been doing behind her back.

Sunrise. That was the only thing she was desperately waiting for. In the middle of computers, she spent her night sitting on the chair and laying her head on the table.

The next morning, in the very first hours, she went home, took a shower and left to find out the truth as if Lavanya is going to tell her when she asks.

She carried her revolver too, just in case. Barging in through the main doors, she took long and steady steps making her way to the elevator.

She bumped into a guy. "Rajesh," she said and they greeted each other with a quick hug.

"How are you?" he asked. It was their first time meeting each other after her recovery. Rajesh was busy with the case he was assigned to.

"I am good. What about you?" They talked as they walked.

"Just hanging on to the fine string".

"Why so?"

"This case is a real headache. At this point I don't know if I end up hating you or end up hating this profession," they got into the elevator.

Just wait for a while, I will solve it for you, she talked to herself. She informed him the purpose of her coming.

"What now? Became best friends again?" he asked. She thought for a while how to put it in words.

She said, "I thought it was the end but all along, it was the start, Rajesh". English was never this confusing to him. Still, he pretended as if he understood it as he didn't want to listen to 'Happy life is a myth' lessons right in the morning.

Rajesh said, "She hasn't come yet. Wanna hop in?" They stood in front of his cabinet. She denied it politely and informed that she has to meet Karthik.

"Biased". He sighed and she smiled.

When she saw Karthik, he was being too busy to be true. Not even the senior lawyer does that much work. Noticing him rustling papers that were all over the table, "In my six years, I swear I have never worked this hard," she said, walking in.

The Act of Vengeance Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz