8 - Mischievous planning

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After a long tiring conversation, they had to recharge their bodies. So, they decided to have their breakfast where Priya volunteered to cook.

A chance given to her to cook – she will definitely cook something that Karthik likes. For one whole hour she was in the kitchen and aroma was the only thing that was coming out of the kitchen.

After one long hour, finally, their wait was over. Taking a seat, "I really hope it is not sambar," Anu stated how sick of sambar she is.

Karthik deeply knew what the dish was. He almost had it more than fifty times. She used to cook it, pack it for him and give it to Rajesh asking him to deliver it to his brother.

When Priya opened the lid, each of them had different reactions.

"Biryani? - Who eats biryani in the morning?" Anu was done with people's tastes and preferences. It has been one month since she had good food. One makes the same food for days together and one makes a royal dish in the morning.

For Gautham, it was the least bothered thing. He was already hungry and he didn't care about what the dish was as long as it didn't have animals in it. He was a herbivore, after all.

And Karthik, he was already prepared for this.

Anu was deprived of good food for one month and when Priya volunteered for such, she was excited but looking at the colorful. food, half of her soul felt full already!

She kept complaining as she was actually disappointed by the fact that the one hour was not worth waiting for! "Why Biriyani out of all dishes?"

"Because Karthik likes it," she said which made Anu take a look at Karthik who was already serving food on his plate. To her opposite, Gautham started eating too.

"Are you guys for serious?" Anu whined. Without her consent, Priya proceeded to serve food on her plate.

Scrunching her nose, being furious enough to smash the plate on Karthik's head, she continued to eat.

She took a bit of it in her spoon, not being ready to eat it but once it went in, she loved it! Her ego didn't let her accept it out loud, but she started taking large amounts.

"How is it?" Priya asked for feedback.

After a while, "I can't believe Karthik didn't fall for you even after this," Gautham said and Karthik pretended as if he didn't hear it at first place.

Smile on Priya's face extended to an extent hearing that. Remembering her mom, "My mom always said that the way to one's heart is by offering them a good meal - Unfortunately, the biryani he is eating doesn't know that Karthik has a stone heart," she said.

Even in all this awkwardness, he managed to complete his breakfast. Their eyes followed him as he made his way to the kitchen.

"Priya, let me give you some advice. It's free of cost so don't worry. This biryani, gifts and constant staring will not help - Just go and kiss him," After a pause, she continued saying, "I swear, if it doesn't work, then I am gonna leave my job,"

"You are already jobless," Karthik reminded her, walking out casually.

While wiping his hand to the kerchief, "Priya, it was really good! - And I really appreciate it if you don't listen to her," he was really being rude to her. Priya nodded in acceptance.

The fact that Priya loves him even after all this, shocked, surprised and disappointed Anu and Gautham.

Pitying her, "Why do you love him? just get over him, dear!" Gautham said.

"My mom said, love someone to the point where they don't feel anyone else's love except yours. So, I am going to do that till my last breath irrespective of what his feelings are".

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