12 - Toxic love, ain't love

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Everything Aditya did took Anu one step closer to the cliff. His wife worked as DBA[Database Administrator] and also was an ethical Hacker which means she knows every step Anu takes. In fact she was the one who cleared all the call logs and deleted the CCTV footage. Why? Because she made the love of her life cry.

In another few days, she is planning to do something similar to that. Why? Because Aditya started loving her. People were the same, the desperacy to kill her was the same. Only the reason differed.

As it was lunch time, it was his duty to give Roshini food.

"Kissed her?" she asked even before he got in. He was shocked by that question because the consequences are going to be wild and red. Stupid guy was so in love to that point where he forgot there exists a word called 'NO'.

Instead of denying it, "How do you know?" he asked and that answered half of her questions.

For Roshini, it wasn't a blind guess. She saw it. She has access to a couple of CCTVs without him being aware of it so that she could keep a track of everything he is doing. It wasn't Aditya who fixed them but his co-brother, Shravan.

Roshini asked her brother to fix them before Aditya shifted to this house from his apartment where he used to stay. In Fact it was her who asked Shravan to file a complaint against him and no one is aware of this.

"It's clearly written on your face," she was trying her best to act calm.

Placing the food plate aside, getting into a defense position, "It's not what you think. It was an accidental kiss," he tried his best to justify his answer.

"Do you think I am some 12 year old girl who believes that? Accidental kisses are a myth!" her argument was growing a bit stronger. "Anyway, get your white clothes ready," she was referring to the upcoming funeral he has to attend (NB - Hindus, a religion in India, wear white to funerals).

This was the same way she spoke that day to make him hit her. She threatened him that she is gonna kill the baby if he is not gonna do that. Poor guy! He could do nothing but follow her orders. Thanks to the airbags in her car!

"Roshini, please..." he requested her to stop but she didn't stop there.

"There's a funeral you have got to attend". He called her name again to make her stop.

"That bi**h also has a son, right?"

"ROSHINI..." The conversation got all the negativity to drain the positivity Anu filled in him. Facepalming to hide his tears, he kneeled down. For her! For that kid! and for his baby!

Looking at him in that state made Roshini a bit emotional but the multiple personalities in her command her to do a lot of things at the same time. Beg her to love him and order her to make him suffer at the same time.

"Okay, I will leave her… In return, are you ready to lose this kid," she said, placing her hand on the stomach. "You know that I don't need a knife to kill this. Falling from this bed height will work too". She was messing with his mind.

Wiping his tears while having a fierce look, "Do that!" he wasn't going to let her blackmail her in the name of the baby.

Having an evil smirk on, "What now? Don't love it anymore? - Or else planning to have another one with Anu ?" she said.

"Yes, I am! Do whatever you want, I am just least bothered about it. If these many lives are the cost of that baby, I'd rather not have it," he broke down to tears. It has become a daily routine for him to do that. Before, even Anu made him cry. Aditya is mentally tired to deal with such dull colors of life. Hope god pities him and lets him have radium colors in the near future.

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