The Meeting

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My eyes were open. Wide open.

I felt so many different emotions.

I was shocked, excited, nervous, and many other mixed feelings I couldn't quite figure out.

I looked at my friend, he was awake, and watching me go. And that's when it hits me...I never said goodbye...

He tried to say something but I couldn't quite understand it and I try to yell a goodbye back.

He was a good friend. My first friend actually. I'll definitely miss him.

But now I was starting my adventure. I was going to a home, I was going to have a purpose. Everything they told you in food school was now becoming a reality.

I truly couldn't wait.

I then got put into a cart, full of other different foods. Foods I've never seen before. Surely we couldn't be that much different though.

They stared at me as I entered the cart, there was a moment of silence, but one of them finally spoke up.

"Welcome aboard," he says.

He was huge and box shaped. And he had these images all over his body. He must have been some sort of snack that's packaged, I had never really seen them before.

"Thanks," I said.

I looked at all the foods again and tried to count how much there were of us. I didn't know if I could see everybody but it seemed like there was about 12 other food items in the cart.

"So what are you? I've never seen you before," a new food asked.

"Oh- I'm Sriracha Sauce," I responded.

"Hm, cool," she said.

She had these brown outlined, yellow hexagonal patches all over her. And on the top of her head was what looked like spiky leaves. Very unique. "What are you?" I asked back.

She smiled and replied, "I'm pineapple. Aka the best fruit in the store."

"Oh shut up," A new food said, clearly not liking pineapples cockiness.

Pineapple looked at the new food, still smiling, "Apple, you know it's true."

"Yeah, yeah, don't listen to her Sriracha," Apple told me.

I started to block out the noise of the other foods and focus on my surroundings. I peaked out a hole in the cart and looked around. There were people everywhere and so many foods I've never seen. It was crazy how much new stuff there was to explore and learn about. I couldn't wait until we got outside. You would always hear rumors about the outside in the aisle. About how wonderful it is.

Just then the cart stopped and it looked like a new food was about to enter the cart. In fact I could see it in the air now, quickly coming into our cart.

It then landed.

I looked at the new food and felt a weird tingle in my sauce. What was that? I've never felt that before.

Pineapple then shouted, "Welcome! I've seen you before haven't I, Kiwi is it?"

The new food responded, "Yes, I'm Kiwi."


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