I looked at Kiwi and I felt something, something in my sauce.

I felt nervous, I felt happy, I felt weird, but I also felt good.

What was this feeling?

Pineapple suddenly broke up my thoughts, "Well, welcome then, Kiwi."

"Ah, thank you," Kiwi said and smiled slightly.

Kiwi then looked my way and started to come over to me.  The closer Kiwi got the more of this new feeling I felt.

He finally reached me and said, "Hey, what are you?"

I stuttered, "Sr-sriracha Sauce."

Gosh so embarrassing, why would I stutter? It's just another fruit.

Kiwi laughed, "That's a cool name."

I felt flustered now, and barely got out, "Thank you."

Kiwi then went over to another food and I felt like I could breathe again. Although just looking at Kiwi makes me feel that feeling.

I tried to ignore it best I could. I went back to look out the hole in the cart to see where we were. We were passing by check out stations. This was it, the moment I've been waiting for.

I looked beyond the check out stations and saw what I thought were windows. Windows! I screamed in my mind, the food school said that these were at the front of stores and you could see the outside world through them. I never saw one from the aisle. Sadly I couldn't see through them clearly right now, the cart was moving fast.

But we then made a turn, into one of the check out stations. And the cart suddenly stopped. I watched food items get taken out of the cart, one by one. Then I saw a hand coming for me, and I got picked up and put on a conveyor belt. Everyone one else was there too, and that's when I saw Kiwi right next to me.

"Hey again," Kiwi smiled at me.

"Hi," I replied.

"I can't believe it's finally happening, the other Kiwi's said my time was coming soon but I didn't believe them," Kiwi chuckled.

"Yeah, I didn't expect to be bought tonight but here we are," I said truthfully.

We slid across the conveyor belt every few seconds getting closer and closer to being bought. The last food before us got picked up and slid across the scanning area. Kiwi then got picked up and slid across. That meant it was my turn next.

I felt a tremendous sense of joy and excitement.

This was it.

I then got picked up and slid across.

I was finally bought.

Once I went through the scanner, I slid across another tiny conveyor belt and once I reached the end of it another hand picked me up and put me in a brown bag.

I forgot we were put in bags. But I was facing up so I could see the ceiling of the store and the person who put me in the bag.

I was stuffed in here with other foods I haven't met yet, but I couldn't really see them as I was facing up.

The bag was then picked up and put into the cart again. The cart started to roll. We were going outside.

The ceiling then changed from bright lights and tiles, to a bluish blackish color, filled with white tiny dots. It was so pretty.

I could guess we were outside now. And I think I could say the rumors were true. Even just from seeing it from this angle.

It didn't last long though, we were then picked up yet again and placed in what I think is called a vehicle.

The ride to home was boring. All I could do was look at a blank grey ceiling. But I decided to distract myself by thinking about what my new home would look like. How many new foods I would meet and everything.

The thought left me happy, and I closed my eyes thinking about it.


I must of dozed off because when I opened my eyes, we were home and getting unloaded from the vehicle.

Once the bag I was in got picked up I saw the night sky for a split second and then it was ceiling again.

We were finally at our new home.

We were all put on the counter I believe and waited to get taken out.

Then a hand reached for me, picked me up, and placed me down somewhere.

I looked at my surroundings. There was so much stuff everywhere. I couldn't even make out any food at first. But then I saw one food, one food that stuck out to me.

It was kiwi.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2023 ⏰

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