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"And time goes by so slowly;
Time and time again,
All I could think of was you."

19 | 20


I crashed down on my favorite rocking chair I set up close to my tent bed after I'd gotten the old man's info. I opened a can of beer and drowned almost half of its content in one go.

This case is the first I've ever gotten confused in the middle.

No matter how high my IQ is, I never seem to be able to crack this case.

The only conclusion I've been able to draw is, that I'm not the only one, rather the people above me are not the only ones needing what he has.

Just that I work for the country and the other party may be one gang, not just any ordinary gang but a thug group powerful enough to go against the whole Costello family.

Maybe a mafia family is just as powerful as they are.

I hate getting involved with thugs like the mafia families. They're all thugs that just set up a family business that appears fine on the outside but rotten inside.

I heard the doorbell and went over to check the video footage immediately.

I found a delivery guy waiting patiently outside my doorstep.

I never ordered anything and haven't done as much as to let people know about where I stay.

I got a table knife, and tugged it comfortably behind me, crosschecking if I could retrieve it as quickly as possible if anything happened.

I carefully opened my door and met a not-so-smiling guy looking me up and down.

"Miss Aurelia?"

I nodded and he got a blue crushed velvet box behind him wrapped around in a red ribbon. I stepped back a bit and my hands went behind to grab the knife butt.

"You need to sign this."

There was a book that looked more like a ledger on top of the box. He offered me a pen and that made me relax but I still cautiously took the pen from him.

I signed at the place he indicated and as quickly as he offered me the pen, he took it back pushed the box into my hands, and took off.

That's it? If I were to give feedback then he's definitely losing his job.

I laid the box down on my table and carefully unwrapped it. Cautiously of course, no matter how beautiful it looks it might be something that may explode the moment I open it.

When I finally tore it open I was staring at a black dress folded neatly and a silver heel standing magnificently above the dress with a matching handbag beside the shoe.

There was a note sitting just beside it and I curiously picked it up.

"I don't expect you to appear with your maid clothes, Put these on and get ready before 8 in the morning, I'll pick you up."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2023 ⏰

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