another bts dream i had a while ago

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so i had this dream-

*Checks google chat convo to see date*

Sometime in march 2022 i think

Or 2021




So i was at my grandma's house in iraq

heres a sketch of the house layout for better dream understanding

heres a sketch of the house layout for better dream understanding

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The blue things r doors
actually lemme make it more detailed

The blue things r doorsactually lemme make it more detailed

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When u go to sink it's like vv close to under stairs


So bts came to my grandma's

they were invited i think?? now my relatives dont know korean
And not much english
So how they communicated is up to dream logic

so at first for part of the stay they were chilling in the living room

And i was pacing back and forth to the kitchen and the doorway of the living room

bc i was like
"What if they need to use the washroom? whos gonna warn them abt the cockroaches" ☠️

and i told my mom who was busy w/ smt, "shouldnt we warn them?"

and she was like "how am i supposed to know, go tell them if ur making a big deal out of it!"

and i was like ok sheesh and went to tell them

but i pulled a Marinette dupain cheng cause when i entered, i kinda wandered thru the living room (it's very big) and left very fast cause i wasnt sure whether to speak in english or korean even tho i couldve very easily said it in english and RM wouldve understood


fast forward all of us r eating in my grandma's room, yk how most asians eat on the floor? We put a plastic thing on the floor, we did have a table but its not enough to fit everyone so we all ate on the floor

And i think i was eating noodles, and my mom whispered for me to hurry up so thered be more room for bts since the plastic sheet wasnt big enough either ☠️ there mustve been like 1 or 2 more ppl waiting for space to clear up

*Betrayed noises*


"Dang i never knew my mom would favor V over me"

So im like getting up to make room bc yk canadians and arabs r too nice and insist on being polite (me whos iraqi-canadian relates) when

ok yk how someone puts an arm in front of u to prevent u from going further? Yeah that's what V did bc he felt bad

But i got up anyway bc i was almost done

And it was like gesturing "go ahead it's fine im done" and stuff

but my guy


i didnt actually say that 🤡

anyways the end

i do remember having a few more series of dreams where i was related to bts?? Or a diff kpop group? Or ppl who looked like them??


those r dreams for another chapter-


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