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Bamwind woke up rather early, stretching before standing up. He walked around the house, bumping into many things as he was not familiar with it. Placing his hand on a cold metal surface, he grew frustrated at how easily everything had been ripped away from him.

He had given up his comfortable life, and for what? This didn't feel like freedom, it felt like he was a prisoner to society's demands without the luxury of the respect that being the village's commander bought him.

He clenched his fists, embers of hot blue fire slipping through his fingers into the frigid air around him. He knew he should be careful with his powers, as not to burn his brother's house down. But he didn't care about him at this moment.

A voice from across the room called out to him. Bamburai's voice. He turned his head towards his voice, opening his hands as the flames dissipated.

"What is it?" Bamwind said, seeming annoyed.

"Is that how you're going to speak to me?" He retorted. "I let you crash on my couch after kicking me out for your oh-so-important reputation, and this is how you're going to respond?"

"I should've never fled in the first place."

"There's nothing stopping you from going back."

"You don't understand."

"No, I think YOU don't understand! You fucking ruined my life, you're lucky I didn't leave you in the streets like you did to me."

"I'm sorry, but you would've ruined MY life had I let you stay." His voice raised as he remembered how everything happened. "You know it is not-"

"YOU WANNA KNOW SOMETHING?" Bamburai uppercutted his brother, who laid on the ground for a bit, before pulling himself up onto his knees. The other people in the house ran downstairs at the sound of falling and screaming. "I WOULD'VE NEVER TOLD ANYONE! ONLY YOUR PRIDE WAS AFRAID!"

Banjex ran to restrain Bamburai, and Bamberly ran to restrain Bamwind. The former man struggled to get out of his grasp, while the latter man stood calm, yet you could tell he was mad as flames unintentionally blazed from his hands dangerously close to her.


"BAMBURAI!" Banjex tried to yell over him as one of his hands broke free from the restraint, grabbing his katana. He lunged for him as Banjex instinctively let go, Bamberly ducking with Bamwind as Bamburai ended up stabbing his katana into the kitchen wall.

The wall creaked for a bit, before the part of the wall that Bamburai attacked fell down onto the backyard, taking him with it.

He groaned as he laid down on the grass, the other Stylish Gods and Bamwind gathering around him. Bamwind gets on his knees nearby where he assumed his brother was, and reaches out a shaking hand to him.

He slapped his brother's hand away, attempting to pull himself up, but screamed in pain as his left leg gave out.

"Bamburai, you alright...?" Banjex propped him up, despite his protests, and led him to the couch, laying him down. "Your leg looks busted."

"I'm fine." He said between whimpers of pain, holding the spot where his left leg met the wall.

"No, you're not fucking fine. We're going to the hospital."


"Come on." He propped him up again, going to the car and putting him in the back seat, Bamberly sitting with him as Bamwind and Banjex occupied the front seats. Banjex began driving in silence, the sun beginning to peek out of the horizon

The ride to the hospital was thick with tension, with unspoken words hanging in the air. When they arrived, Banjex looked over to Bamberly, who was hugging her boyfriend.

"We're here."

"Let's leave him behind while we're here." Bamburai whispered, giving a double glance at his brother.

"That's not important right now." He quietly said back, going to the other side of the car to help Bamburai to the hospital, Bamwind following the others footsteps. As they entered the hospital and checked in, Bamberly and Bamwind sat next to each other, anxiously awaiting for the doctor to call them in.

"This is your fault, you know?" Bamberly looked over to him.

"I know," He nodded. "and I am sorry."

"...Why do you do the things you do?" She looked at him with a mix of contempt and curiosity, as Bamwind froze at the question, unsure how to respond. Deep down, he knew the reason, but he would never say it, he has acted enough like a coward already.

"I don't know." was the answer that he gave her.

"Alright." She said, before turning away from him. "I do the things I do because I love Bamburai, but I don't think you'd feel the same about him as I feel."

"I love my brother." He said with a defeated tone, as if he knew she probably wasn't going to believe him. "But I... acted foolishly. I wish I chose differently."

"Do you really mean that?" She looked at him again, this time with a surprised expression. "How come you've hurt him so much, then?"

"I don't know." He said again, for he was too scared to say the real reason.

Bamberly looked away, as the nurse came in.

"Miss Bamberly? The doctor is ready to see you"

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